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magicians! They were not simple conjurers though, but magicians who used their magical abilities to advise kings and queens on matters of state.

Magi filled the courts of pagan nations, and had a place in European tradition as well. You will have heard of Merlin the magician, who was supposedly advisor to King Arthur of Camelot. The wizard of Id is another (perhaps more familiar) member of the class of magi.

Daniel, in the Old Testament, was a magus (nb. I think ‘magus’ is the singular form of ‘magi’). Daniel and his three friends, who we read of in the book of Daniel, were certainly magi – employed to foretell the future, interpret dreams, and so advise the king on matters of state. Daniel and his mates though, you will remember, distinguished themselves from their fellow magi by refusing to follow all the practices of their peers, and by relying solely on their God for their prophetic powers.

This was clearly not the norm, and your average magus, so far as I can work out, was not normally a god-fearing man of prayer, but a figure much closer to the astrologers and psychics we see advertising on late-night TV and who always have prominent columns in women’s magazines!

Rev. David B. Smith (the ‘Fighting Father’) Parish priest, community worker,martial arts master, pro boxer, author, father of three.

Canción: Wind And Waves Grupo: Dark Forest Disco: Aurora Borealis Estilo: Viking Metal Año: 2006 Pais: Canada Estado: Activo Miembros: David Parks – Todos los instrumentos y voces Miembros En Vivo: Mark Zemlak – Guitarra, Voces Theodore John MacLean – Bajo Griffin Kissack – Bateria Brandon Mitchell – Teclados Encyclopaedia Metallum Lyrics the northmen decide that now is the time the time to avenge all wrong done. they know its time, its time for war they make plans for the attack. they look to the sky, so clear and so free the sun sinks down into the ground a sign of the time, when the night will arrive to send these cross-men to thier nurning “hell” the night;s dark has come, only lit by thier flames they say thier last words to the loved. they sing songs of war, and they gather thier arms. now they head down for the shores. down on the shores, they hail these ships these dragons so swift and so grim. armed id them all, for battles beyond these ships now set sail for glorious war. “O wind, give us strenth from up high O wind give us strenth from the sky” now the ships leave the bay, dragons on bow the winds of glory fills their sails. the thousands of stars, up in the sky fuels these pagan’s pride. a man stands on deck, gazing at the sea wondering “will i give up it all?” he smiles grinly and raises his sword towards Odin’s mighty hall
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