Get Adobe Flash player Today’s guest is Rupert Isaacson. An Author, Journalist and Human Rights activist for displaced indigenous tribes and most importantly a dedicated father of an autistic boy called Rowan. We are very honored to have Rupert and his wife Kristin on air to discuss their amazing journey that took the family across the unspoilt planes of Mongolia on horse back to find healing for their son, all through the various indigenous shamans and healers living in the area. Rupert has chronicled his family’s amazing and brave journey through his book, “The Horse Boy” and a soon to be release film scheduled to hit our screens later this year. The full 1 hour and 20 minute interview can be listened to here About the Book When his son Rowan was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson was devastated, afraid he might never be able to communicate with his child. But when Isaacson, a lifelong horseman, rode their neighbor’s horse with Rowan, Rowan improved immeasurably. He was struck with a crazy idea: why not take Rowan to Mongolia, the one place in the world where horses and shamanic healing intersected? THE HORSE BOY is the dramatic and heartwarming story of that impossible adventure. In Mongolia, the family found undreamed of landscapes and people, unbearable setbacks, and advances beyond their wildest dreams. This is a deeply moving, truly one-of-a-kind story–of a family willing to go to the ends of the earth to help their son, and of a
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The ancient art and science of alchemy is emerging as one of the most powerful tools for transforming our reality. Alchemical Healing, the comprehensive contemporary form developed by world acclaimed teacher, author, and healer Nicki Scully, is an important vehicle for those looking for healing tools, personal growth, and spiritual awakening. Alchemical Healing combines energetic healing techniques with shamanic principles to provide integrated and balanced healing and growth processes. In this powerful, enriching, and experiential DVD, Nicki provides essential knowledge and heart-centered wisdom gained from decades of investigation, practice, and intuitive inquiry in the healing arts. She describes transformative experiences and applications of the work as well as her courageous personal journey into the core of illness. To provide viewers with personal experiences of the potency of the Alchemical Healing process, two major empowerments are included: The Fire Mist Shower provides access to the Universal Life Force energy for healing, and The Parabola connects you to Nickis newest modality for working with cancer. These teachings awaken innate healing potential, expand perception, and foster collaboration with spirit allies and the fundamental elements of creation.

9 Responses to The Horse Boy 3/4 – Autism Interview

  • sulzii says:

    Welcome Mongolia. Mongolian? shaman is very powerful and fantastic. No payment . ?

  • jyounguk says:

    The official european edition DVD is now available on Amazon UK . Great Film.

  • lialammas says:

    Thank God for the Shamans and their native ways of living. Few people understand how fortunate they are and true happiness is nothing related to money and titles.

  • cougartracks says:

    this is a love story of the most intense faith in a people who are truly connected with spiritual understanding that has eluded people of educational and scientific evaluation for centuries,and of course our ignorance to something greater than our understanding,great parents with the courage to follow what was in their hearts,vnvhe Osceola.

  • ShaktiLila says:

    @300359alann The interviewer is the one talking about his daughter, Nieve, who is also autistic.

  • jvaliente7 says:

    It is a boy, his name is Rowan.

  • 300359alann says:

    I thought it was a boy?

  • cerverus753 says:

    this is called hypnonsis, not alchemy

  • me050652 says:

    Please say a prayer for my friend Sharon Russell who is in the last stage of cancer.
    Thank you
    Love & light

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