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Now on DVD from Zeitgeist Video. How far would you travel to heal someone you love? An intensely personal yet epic spiritual journey, The Horse Boy follows one Texas couple and their autistic son as they trek on horseback through Outer Mongolia in a desperate attempt to treat his condition with shamanic healing. When two-year-old Rowan was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson, a writer and former horse trainer, and his wife Kristin Neff, a psychology professor, sought the best possible medical care for their son—but traditional therapies had little effect. Then they discovered that Rowan has a profound affinity for animals—particularly horses—and the family set off on a quest for a possible cure. The Horse Boy is part travel adventure, part insight into shamanic tradition and part intimate look at the autistic mind. In telling one familys extraordinary story, the film gives voice to the thousands who display amazing courage and creativity everyday in the battle against this mysterious and heartbreaking epidemic. The filmic companion to Isaacsons best-selling book of the same name and a festival favorite, this ravishing documentary odyssey gives insight into how, in lifes darkest moments, one can find the gateway to joy and wonder. More Info:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

For More Information: Documentarian/journalist Sam Slovick journeys deep into the Peruvian Amazon to Espiritu De Anaconda, a healing center where shamans use plant medicine (the practice of Vegetalismo – Ayahuasca) to help cure people of emotional, physical, and spiritual maladies. Credit: Additional footage courtesy of Ryan Wylie – Espiritu De Anaconda – http Sam Slovick –
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to THE HORSE BOY official US trailer

  • Watchyou2008 says:

    Beautiful video and great song! love it!

  • certifiedhealthnut says:

    @JMHamilton1 while that type of approach may have had applicability in the past there is a new paradigm emerging & the spirit of the medicine itself is DEMANDING to be recognized & utilized by the world. Ayahuasca is a master healer/teacher & humanity as well as the planet requires serious healing if we are to make it
    i have felt/seen in my visions a future healthy peaceful earth. what ever delivers one to that realization… it is simply time, for all that are destined, to awaken to do so NOW!

  • JMHamilton1 says:

    This is a very informative video as well as dangerous. From what little teaching I have learned (pass down in my family) when you mix medicine from the earth with people wanting to have some type of experience to talk about or document – you miss the true value of it all. Using big words to explain something simple, is only a recipe for danger.


  • 1212stickler says:

    This is an excellent video. Having undergone a personal transformation through working with a Vegetalista and amazonian plant medicines for the last three years, I am grateful and delighted to see this healing modality receiving such quality exposure. I hope that through videos like these others may be influenced to embrace this powerful alternative as a method for healing and personal growth.

  • raydogger says:

    @TheCureList anything can be healed! We can heal ourselves. In fact I believe that disease is caused my frequency imbalance in the body. You have to believe it to your core. I have had friends cure cancer by understanding cancer is a HEALING PHASE where you body is saying–hey this isn’t working–help! It’s NOT just diet. Thoughts are toxic as is stress and lack on integration with your heart and soul’d desire. IMHO.

  • raydogger says:

    @Delqueen having experienced it myself–depending on how open you are–it can be immediate at a soul level. Physically you have to believe, integrate and manifest. But it WILL shift your perspective 360 degrees.

  • raydogger says:

    Wow that’s amazing—my husband went to Peru and did this. It was LIFE CHANGING for us! Great video again Sam you are a star!

  • tedmcd1 says:

    Amazing video guys! an incredibly powerful plant medicine. may it help the world to open more and more! thank you for spreading the word!

  • ajaramat says:

    Excellent work. A great introduction to this incredible Medicine tradition.

  • bryanbrey says:

    I think it was a good introduction, good lines and good honorable cautions. Also pleasant to have a small number of interviews giving insightful heartfelt shares. Well done friend.

  • babuquita says:

    what a phenomenal way to heal yourself ~ looks like an intense journey. thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  • TheCureList says:

    @Delqueen In short, healing has a life of its own and is specific to each person. There are no set time constraints. It’s really an individual process that involves sentient spirits. A shaman is the facilitator, but it’s ultimately a scared science guided by a Divine intelligence. Put another way, healing and the time that it takes is between you and the plants.

  • Delqueen says:

    This seems amazing. Does the healing occur immediately? is it a cumulative effect?

  • TheCureList says:

    @Ninjiitsumasterkyle Please check out “Ayahuasca Lineage” that has information on how to contact a shaman from Peru.

  • TheCureList says:

    @Ninjiitsumasterkyle That said, I think that this is a question for a shaman, which I am not. But I think that that this could have a decidedly profound impact on almost any disease in terms of having physical/energetic movement that, coupled with a consciousness expansion, could apply to the healing of almost any physical condition. I think the larger question here is about attachment.

  • TheCureList says:

    @Ninjiitsumasterkyle Vegitalsmo can heal a lot of things. My particular idea is that disease is the manifestation of a spiritual/psychic disturbance that can’t be cured by an exclusively material approach. Rather it needs to be addressed at its root cause and this modality is certainly effective in that arena.

  • RyanBWylie says:


    So many CURES exist but have been pushed into obscurity by commercial medicine interests. What MERK, the National Cancer Center and others don’t tell is that their research begins with folk knowledge before being reduced down to the the tiny, often ineffective or dangerous white pill that is put on the market.

    Way to give credit where credit is due, to the grandmother of all Amazonian medicine.

  • Ninjiitsumasterkyle says:

    Can anything be healed?

  • certifiedhealthnut says:

    great work! everyone can use some Ayahuasca now and again…especially heads of state or the CEO’s of major corporations!

  • certifiedhealthnut says:

    @Rome my experience was & still is mind blowing or should i say heart opening!

    it is a life changing journey into yourself. most of my visions, in the form of knowings 4 me, have come true & or continue to manifest. the #1 issue presented to me is the STATE OF OUR PLANET! that is why i work with a company & their products that are poised to preserve the Amazon for ALL mankind! one does not need to go to the Amazon to feel the power of the non ayahuasca or “dieta” plants camu[.]amazonherb[.]net

  • iheart1982 says:

    Very powerful stuff here, thank you for educating us by sharing this video – I hope to make a journey like it one day…

  • smdonsky says:

    Astounding… the intersection of mind, body, spirit – incredible stuff, incredible journey! I love the woman talking about the ache inside.

    Can’t wait to see more!

  • SamSlovick says:

    @TheCureList Also, you have to email them in Spanish. It takes a while for them to respond.

  • TheCureList says:

    @Rome Yes, it’s public, in the sense that you can email them and tell them you
    want to come, but you have to let them know you’re coming. You can contact
    them at: w w w – dot – espiritudeanaconda – dot – org

  • Rome says:

    I would love to hear what taking ayahuasca in the amazon is really like, a journey i hope to make one day. I am assuming this center is open to the public?

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