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Now on DVD from Zeitgeist Video. How far would you travel to heal someone you love? An intensely personal yet epic spiritual journey, The Horse Boy follows one Texas couple and their autistic son as they trek on horseback through Outer Mongolia in a desperate attempt to treat his condition with shamanic healing. When two-year-old Rowan was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson, a writer and former horse trainer, and his wife Kristin Neff, a psychology professor, sought the best possible medical care for their son—but traditional therapies had little effect. Then they discovered that Rowan has a profound affinity for animals—particularly horses—and the family set off on a quest for a possible cure. The Horse Boy is part travel adventure, part insight into shamanic tradition and part intimate look at the autistic mind. In telling one familys extraordinary story, the film gives voice to the thousands who display amazing courage and creativity everyday in the battle against this mysterious and heartbreaking epidemic. The filmic companion to Isaacsons best-selling book of the same name and a festival favorite, this ravishing documentary odyssey gives insight into how, in lifes darkest moments, one can find the gateway to joy and wonder. More Info:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

For More Information: Documentarian/journalist Sam Slovick journeys deep into the Peruvian Amazon to Espiritu De Anaconda, a healing center where shamans use plant medicine (the practice of Vegetalismo – Ayahuasca) to help cure people of emotional, physical, and spiritual maladies. Credit: Additional footage courtesy of Ryan Wylie – Espiritu De Anaconda – http Sam Slovick –
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to THE HORSE BOY official US trailer

  • countrygal0831 says:

    I watched this… caught it by accident. I was moved to tears during many parts. I am a preschool teacher and this was so inspirational to me!

  • jyounguk says:

    The official european edition DVD is now available at wwwDOTgilliannaysmithDOTcom

  • PoetGerri says:

    I have to get the DVD. This sounds like the kind of movie I like. One that touches you at a deep level, creating an opening for healing and transformation.

  • lialammas says:

    His mother says everything at 1:38. I totally agreed we think in such a manner that is so easy to say we are the normal ones. And many times is a contrary. Thank God for this parents having such an enormous heart and sensibility.

  • SamathaSantiago says:

    wow, amazing… I need to try this with my son. Can’t afford to go across the world.

  • messilisa1 says:

    it’s a great movie, trailer with a great song. But above all, this is just such an inspiring story. I’m reading the book now and have seen the movie. I have the deepest respect for all of you who embarked in this journey.I wish all the Atkinson family the best.You have inspired deeply, and I hope that Rowan keeps progressing…All the best!

  • thesourceofpunk says:

    Is this a real story? i can’t see if its real or not by just watching the movie

  • bellusful says:

    I saw this on tv the other night and I it really touched my heart. It was very interesting. And what lovely and caring parents this boy has 🙂 I

  • thecolorwords says:

    Just watch the ending it looked amazing!

  • BioSnowMan says:

    Very excting 🙂 Respect to the Shamans

  • tybsetyr says:

    this movie was on independent lens, May 11 in Pittsburgh area

  • scotamiran says:

    @ksnyde85 … actually the song is “To Build A Home” which is the opening track from cinematic orchestra’s 2007 LP called Ma Fleur. “That Home” is a reprise of “to build a home” that appears later in the album.

  • poizdidley says:

    Wow.Just the trailer alone makes me burst into tears because, as a 15 year old independent filmmaker having to a 9 year old autistic brother, I FEEL THIS. I have produced a couple of documentaries myself, but I have always been wanting to do a special one solely on my brother. Unfortunately because of lack of money, this hasn’t been so. Few know what families with autistic children go through and I haven’t seen much films that portray this feeling as strongly as this film does. Thank you.

  • Plautus123 says:

    how boring. I voted the movie(N)

  • ase010 says:

    The Psycho-Spiritual warfare against Humanity itself! While all the Cures and Solutions have always been here, they are Free! But most People have been Blinded & Infected! They want your Mind, Sweat, Blood & Soul! The time have come, its Gameover! Wake up! Open your Eyes, Ears and open your Mind! Free yourself! Free Humanity! Before its to late! There is no time left! Spread the messages & words!

  • ase010 says:

    The cause of Synthetic Toxic Poison Chemical Pollution, Unnatural Processed Foods, Non-Stop Brain-washing, Discrimination, Genocide, Hierarchy, Externalization, Delusion, Deception, Distraction & Racism etc. The total Demonetization of Spirituality and the denial of Human existence of Nature itself. This is Unnatural behaviors! its called Alienation of Humanity!

  • ase010 says:

    I have been almost like this kid. Its not Autism, but Intism, not Outsider but Insider! Autism doesn’t exist! Its caused by the instability, disharmony & imbalance of the whole of modern western global society or civilization! These things would else never occur or even happen! Children get at early age ripped away from their parents to school, while parents always need to take care for their children not school! Thats a natural law!

  • Zarry1995 says:

    It looks very beutiful yes

  • eventerkatie84 says:

    I’m reading this book at the moment, and it’s absolutely inspiring… What an amazing thing they did for Rowan. Beautiful story 🙂 xx

  • ZeitgeistFilms says:

    @ksnyde85 Thanks for the answer but you only need to enter your comment once. Thanks!

  • ksnyde85 says:

    The song is ‘That Home’ by The Cinematic Orchestra

  • ksnyde85 says:

    The song is ‘That Home’ by The Cinematic Orchestra

  • ksnyde85 says:

    @ksnyde85 Sorry, it’s the song, ‘That Home’

  • ksnyde85 says:

    The song is To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra.

  • ksnyde85 says:

    @millsy1979 To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra

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