by jennamarino
The Importance of Spelling When Writing a Novel
Writing a novel is dream that many of us hold in our hearts, your novel does not have to be your dream. All you need is to dedicate some time to learn how to bring out that novel inside you. A new e-guide, Bring out the Novel Inside You, has been written to help you make your dream come true. Here is some great advice from this e-guide.
One can be a good writer, but not be able to spell correctly.
I found this to be one of the largest deterrents for conveying any situation or scene to the reader, because the student has an inability to recognize his lack of correct spelling.
Many rely on the way they have spelled everything (no matter how wrong it is), simply because that was always the way they always had spelled it. It just seems natural to them.
One can’t allow the misspelling of a word when there is the slightest feeling that it doesn’t look correct. This is being careless. When that occurs, use the dictionary to be sure, and accurate.
No publisher, should you rely on them to publish your book, will read your manuscript when they detect misspelled words. There is no situation where it is acceptable.
Today, there should be no excuse for misspelled words with computers. In fact, if it’s your real desire to misspell a word your computer will have a fit.
Don’t be afraid of words, but don’t be too snobbish with them either. It doesn’t harm anyone if you use a word of four syllables which covers a full sentence.
But, doing it continually only makes the statement