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The Magician and the High Priestess

The Magician

The Magician is represented by a young man in front of a work table.

This card represents the life’s active ingredient, its number I (one) is male, it is the Yang element.

Basic Significance

If this card comes in the right position, it means the beginning of the things, the will of a person, a man’s profession or a woman’s new affective relation.

When this card comes in the reversed position it means professional problems, lack of self-confidence, apathy…

Remember the basic significance of the tarot cards will be interpreted according to the position of the cards during the consultation.

For example, let’s say that a man wants to learn more about his professional career.

The Magician (in the right position) comes with The Moon (in the reversed position): it could mean that this man should not have a total confidence in his colleagues (the Moon represents hypocrisy and lies).

The High Priestess

This is called The High Priestess because the woman who is drawn wears a pontifical tiara. She also represents Isis, an Egyptian divinity, Osiris’s wife.

The High Priestess represents wisdom, quality development by the sobriety of her costume.

It is a very positive card of the Tarot as well as the Yin element.

Basic significance:

The card in the right position symbolizes nature, pregnancy, knowledge, mother, perspicacity, wisdom…

The High Priestess in the reversed position symbolizes an immoderate and painful love, superficiality


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