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“4) That this cause is a yearning or thirsting after sensations, after the unstable sangsaric existence;

“5) That so long as this cause is not overcome by Enlightenment, death follows birth and birth death unceasingly–even as the wise Socrates believed.

“6) That the after-death existence is but a continuation, under changed conditions, of the phenomena-born existence of the human world–both states alike being karmic.

“7) That the nature of the existence intervening between death and rebirth in this or any other world is determined by antecedent actions;

“8) That, psychologically speaking, it is a prolonged dream-like state, in what may be called the fourth dimension of space, filled with hallucinatory visions directly resultant from the mental-content of the percipient, happy and heaven-like if the karma be good, miserable and hell-like if the karma be bad;

“9) That, unless Enlightenment be won, rebirth in the human world, directly from the Bardo-world or from any other world or from any paradise or hell to which karma has led, is inevitable.

“10) That Enlightenment results from realizing the unreality of sangsara, of existence;

“11) That such realizing is possible in the human world, or at the important moment of death in the human world, or during the whole of the after-death or Bardo-state, or in certain of the non-human realm;

“12) That training in yoga, i.e. in control of the training process so as to be able to concentrate the mind in an effort to reach Right Knowledge, is essential.

“13) That such training can best be had under a human

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