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guru, or teacher.

“14) That the Greatest of Gurus known to mankind in this cycle of time is Gautama the Buddha.

“15) That this doctrine is not unique, but is the same doctrine which has been proclaimed in the human world for the gaining of salvation, for the Deliverance from the Cycle of Rebirth and Death, for the Crossing of the Ocean of Sangsara, for the Realization of Nirvana, since immemorial time, by a long and illustrious dynasty of Buddhas, who were Gautama’s Predecessors.

“16) That lesser spiritually enlightened beings, Bodhisattvas and gurus, in this world or in other worlds, though still not freed from the Net of illusion, can nevertheless, bestow divine grace and power upon the sishya [student] who is less advanced upon the Path than themselves.

“17) That the Goal is and can only be Emancipation from Sangsara.

“18) That such Emancipation comes from the Realization of Nirvana.

“19) That Nirvana is non-sangsaric, being beyond all paradises, heavens, hells, and worlds.

“20) That it is the ending of Sorrow.

“21) That it is Reality” (1975:66-68)

Man, in general, is ignorant of his divinity. His mind and consciousness are veiled by the false light of Maya. Maya is the way we perceive and interpret Reality. It translates in our consciousness cosmic vibrations into forms, colours and sensations–a world of appearance. We perceive not what is, but what we believe to be. Maya produces a deceiving state of duality, of object and subject. All appearances in the mind and consciousness as a product of Maya are illusory and unreal. The mind, not understanding the nature

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