all submerged in the multifaceted sexual divergent arms of sacred ART. Sensually caressed and mesmerizingly enveloped by her seductive reverent embrace, we all commit to the erotic surrender while eagerly longing to serve the highest will of our transcendent artistic inclination. We sense the eroticism beating in our hearts of “ecstasy’s sacred exclaim’. We are more than willing, subdued, encouraged and inspired to carry forth our part of the impregnable bargain agreed to prior to entry. We silently and enthusiastically smile, as we submit to our soul’s one intent. We know without question that our lives are but the supremely aromatic flowers for the bees to do with us as is willed. We willingly emit the sexually subduing aroma that draws to us what is needful and desirous to ascend and descend.
Sacred Sexual Sensual ART fills the omnipotent passionate celestial brush with consuming paint of incessant desire while gently stroking across the canvas of the demystified human. In the meantime, we are involuntarily masked by webbous strands of conflicting emotions (good and bad; right and wrong) until we rip to shreds the impending falsity geared to inhibit our forward thrust. To create we must. To subdue we will. To surrender we have. To pacify we will not. No other artificially induced impetus can drive a person mad except the inarticulated dysfunction of the sacred artistic substance that lies within. Until recognized and seized, an elusive innate disproportionately placed sexual motivation will lull, lure, taunt, invite, snare, beguile, woo, pamper, intrigue, seduce and then impartially destroy what is left of the fragile pride ridden dissatisfiied self-image. No other success will satisfy nor come close to relieving the anxiety associated.