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Modern Language Association, USA, 1988.

Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a thousand faces. Library of the Congress, USA, 1973. 

Dicionário de Mitologia Greco Romana. Abril Cultural, 1976, Brasil.

Campbell, Joseph. O Poder do Mito. Editora Palas, São Paulo, Brasil, 1990.

Gioia, Dana. Literature. Longman, USA, 2002.

Harvey, Paul, Dicionário Oxford de Literatura Clássica. Jorge Zahar Editor, Rio de Janeiro,

       Brasil, 1987.

National Geographic. The Eternal Etruscans. June 1988.

Philip Neil. The illustrated book of myths: tiles and legends of the world, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 

Rowell, Lewis. Thinking about Music, The University of Massachusetts Press, USA, 1983.

Smith, Lyle E.  Archetypal Criticism: Theory and Practice, Carson, CSUDH, USA, 1997.

 Seyffert Oskar. Enciclopédia Clássica. Ateneo Editorial, Buenos Aires, 1947.  



List of some  myths associated with music and its mythical powers.


1.      Apollo

Son of Jupiter was born in Deos. He was exiled in Olympus, refuges in the reign of Admetus. He had a long journey in the Earth till his father gave him the mission to spread light throughout the world.   He drove the car of the sun and conquests eternal youth. He’s the god of music, arts, medicine, and poetry.

2.      Calliope

Calliope (Calliopeia), the “Fair Voiced” and the eldest Muse, is the muse of epic poetry and is seen holding a writing tablet in hand,

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