The Nature and Beauty of Gospel Worship by John Owen
Welcome to the Still Waters Revival Books video book summary for “The Nature and Beauty of Gospel Worship” by John Owen
Deals with the worship required by God and the curses that follow those who pervert the one ordained form of true, beautiful and spiritual worship.
Listen to a sample from this book, as Owen eloquently rebukes idolaters (i.e. those who invent their own worship, rather than receiving what God has instituted in His Word):
“Go to, now, you whom the spiritual worship of the gospel is despised; [you] that — unless it be adorned, as you say (or rather defiled), with the rites and ceremonies of your own invention — think there is no order, comeliness, or beauty in it!
“Set yourselves to find out whatever pleaseth your imaginations; borrow this of the Jews, that of the Pagans, all of the Papists that you think conducing to that end and purpose; lavish gold out of the bag for the beautifying of it; — will it compare with this glory of the worship of the gospel, that is all carried on under the conduct and administration of the glorious High Priest? (i.e. the Lord Jesus Christ — RB) …
“The world is apt to despise the worship of the saints, as mean and contemptible, unmeet for the majesty of God. This puts them on the inventing of what they suppose more glorious and beautiful, though God abhors it!”
Purity of worship always becomes a primary concern during times of real Reformation, as Owen persuasively points out.
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