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to see Satan as God and I don’t think Jesus was an exhibitionist – and “tempted” to jump off the pinnacle of the Temple, be rescued by angels, and then bask in the glory of an awed people. “And when the devil had finished each temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time” (Lk 4:3-13).

Was A Review In Order?

I believe Satan may have later reviewed his attack – and recognized his massive miscalculations. Individuals often project their own insanities upon others – convinced everyone is like they are. As an egomaniac, Satan may have really thought Jesus would want to jump off the Temple – be miraculously rescued, and then be fawned over by star-struck devotees. But, not everyone is an exhibitionist lusting for center stage. (Of course, it is also possible he just hoped Jesus would splatter on the pavement, and that would be the end of the matter.) But, the offer of all the world and its power? Not everyone is enticed by a decaying material system. I suspect these last two temptations were projections of Satan’s own weaknesses … and fell absolutely flat. Satan learns, and I think he regrouped, realizing he missed a great opportunity. Future attacks were much more studied and potentially much more accurate. He is evil and he is insane, but he is not stupid. Read his initial assault on Job. Satan allowed one terrified soul to live from each attack (not because he liked them) and timed it so each one came on the heels of the other with disastrous news. Shock and awe … with the hope Job would curse God (Job 1). Satan is the master at ambushing. Here is another one.

The Transfiguration Ambush

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