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18 Responses to -THE NEO-PAGAN AGENDA- Pt.4


    remember the sabbath day and keep it holy; friday when the sun go down and all day saturday untill the sun go down GOD blessed the sabbath day sol no man cannot change it

  • drrckmtthws says:

    Lord Knows she need to here it

  • DavidofChrist7 says:

    God had to give his creation time to see the full fruition of the the devils plans before He judged Him or else all creation might have thought God was wrongly bringing the devil into judgement aka the devil bought some time.

  • evewale says:

    AAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I would bet she knows exactly what she is doing and it wouldn’t help but hey it’s worth a shot. 🙂

  • pattykeung1 says:

    The Forerunner777 gives such a great explanation about the Scripture on how the devil had deceived Eve. It is a good reference and reminder in our modern day living!

  • pattykeung1 says:

    I do not recommend sending this to Oprah unless we all pray hard to expell the evil spirits that are influencing her so that she can see THE TRUTH first. Otherwise, we might risk endangering our dear brother TheForerunner777 and his ministry cos Oprah must have so many powerful friends inside the “dragon”, right?

  • tonglongkid says:

    pls do. I remember her talking bout Godly jealously
    and getting it totally wrong

  • tydurell says:

    Adam and Eve were never meant to be perfect. Jesus was Gods original plan not Plan B.

  • ryno0069 says:

    It says part 4 is no longer available

  • love7277 says:

    you should listen and take heed to what god says

  • buttalova says:

    I’ma send this to Oprah.

  • rbghomes says:

    Eze.28:15 Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee. So were Adam and Eve. but God does’nt want Robots he wants sons/children that freely love him with their whole heart, so to serch out the heart God allows the afflictions of sin to deal with us till we make a choice Deut.8:2 & Exd.16:4

  • WorldsFinalEvents says:

    Let’s say God did not allow Adam and Eve to be able to sin. Wouldn’t that make us robots?

    What if God killed satan as soon as he first sinned? Wouldn’t all the angels question God’s love? Lucifer had already taken 1/3 of the angels of heaven who are now demons, what would happen if God just killed Lucifer?

  • Modacolorist says:

    Remember Adam and Eve sinned, when this happened they lost authority. Yah who is long suffering and just is allowing the universe to see how wrong satan’s system is. BUT satan’s end is almost at hand and a New Heaven and a New Earth will be ushered in when satan is finally defeated.

  • DynamicHQ says:

    He’s got a cool voice..

  • ddiiaa52 says:

    This is a great word..all truth for today and the past and tomorrow!!Thanks!!!

  • GuitarGod87x says:

    Why would god allow satan to ruin the perfection of Adam and Eve in the first place thus resulting in the mad world we see today? Please help me out here Chris. 🙂

  • Leiflton says:

    it is sophistry…man that’s like the gnostics…sophia, wisdom, ie “knowledge.”

    a trap, a snare, a deception.

    satanic deceptions from beginning to end.

    yeah, indoctrination of the world. it’s our own fault though for not reading God’s word.

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