The New Spirituality For the Age
The new spirituality for the age is a celebration of today’s heart-centered consciousness. It promotes the expansion of human awareness to include unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and others, and the development of your infinite potential.
It is the journey of the soul on earth and is the awareness that everything in life is for a higher purpose. It is humanity’s quest to understand itself and finds its symbology through the clarity and integrity of universal order.
New spirituality was the movement of the late 1980s characterized by an emphasis on the holistic view of body and mind, alternative (or complementary) medicines, personal growth therapies, and a loose mix of theosophy, ecology, oriental mysticism, and a belief in the dawning of an astrological age of peace and harmony.
The new spirituality holds that God is at once the entire universe, and transcends the universe as well. New agers know that God will draw you towards the thing you want and he will draw the thing you want towards you. God has precipitated a collision between His wisdom and the world’s spurious wisdom (1 Cor 1-4).
Christ-Consciousness taught by New Agers is the state of awareness reached in meditation, in which one realizes that one is divine and one with God and thereby becoming a Christ or an enlightened being. Christ is the reference point for all reality.
New spirituality represents that Personal Transformation is a profoundly intense mystical experience and will lead to the acceptance and use of New Age beliefs and practices. Believers hope to develop new potentials within themselves: the ability to heal oneself and others, psychic powers, and a new understanding of the workings