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The Note Carried by the Shadowed One

A note in the pocket of the shadowed one. A note never to be found. Read it now as it may dissolve in time. The shadowed one did not write these words. He found it folded in a book. He did not understand all that was written here but it opened the door to salvation for him all the same. It was the key to a mind struggling to find meaning. A dying mind can create without inhibition the most marvelous stories to find the sum of the question why. The note had no signature or indication of who the author was.

The note reads….

Humanity…does it exist at all? Is humanity the sum of all peoples and their ideas that make up principles and morals and morays? If humanity is a collective of the perceived ideas of righteousness and justice and dignity for all, and all are a apart of one great energy, then all of humanity would exist in one entity. When any one of us passes from our body-state back to spirit, humanity passes with us. All we know, or think we know, and all the questions formed in a life experience, rush together in one defining moment just before the death of our form. Spirit meets matter, perhaps for the first time, in an intimate exchange resulting in total acceptance or total rejection. It is as possible for us in the body form to reject spirit as it is for spirit to reject us in the body form. To save all of humanity is to find forgiveness and understanding for seeking out meaning and acting on the stage of life. It is to accept without any hesitation that a greater energy prevails beyond what good or what harm we may do in life as we know it to be. In simple words, it is to accept and forgive and love ourselves.

Spirit is most likely without shape or identity. It is through the creative power of

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