fortunately, abandoned the tradition. In Scotland, people still follow the age old pagan customs associated with Samhain. Children are supposed to carve scary faces out of rutabagas and light candles inside them. And they don’t get candies without an effort; they would receive candies only after they are able to entertain their guests properly. There is no custom of ‘tricking or treating’ there.
In England, people celebrate the Guy Fawkes Day on 5th November, which is not much different from the original Samhain; in fact,. many of the customs which originated with Samhain were adopted in the celebration of Guy Fawkes Day. On this day children march in an organized parade , wearing masks and with torch lights in hands!
3. Ireland: The ‘tricking or treating’ as we see it in North American Halloween, originated with the Irish. So it is no wonder that Irish Halloween is not much different from its North American counterpart. In Ireland, children carry huge lanterns made out of rutabagas and go around the neighborhood. The neighbors receive them with sweets and candies! During Halloween, houses in Ireland are decorated with Halloween lights!
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