I. The Magician,
II. The High Priestess
III. The Empress
IIII. The Emperor *
V. The Pope
VI. The Lovers
VII. The Chariot
VIII. Justice
VIIII. The Hermit *
X. The Wheel of Fortune
XI. Strength
XII. The Hanged Man
XIII. Death (or The Noname Arcana)
XIIII. Temperance *
XV. The Devil
XVI. The Tower
XVII. The Star,
XVIII. The Moon,
XVIIII. The Sun *,
XX. Judgement,
XXI. The World,
XXII. The Fool **
* for example, classification “IIII” and not “IV” highlights the progression of the Tarot de Marseilles play.
** The Fool is the 22nd arcana but is generally not numbered.
The 56 minor arcana are split into four suits:
– Spears,
– Cups,
– Coins,
– Swords;
which include each 14 cards that are numbered from 1 to 10, or Ace through 10 and 4 noble cards ; which are: the Page, the Knight, the Queen and the King.
During the Middle-Ages and later, these suits were associated with the social classes: Coins with the Traders, Cups with the Clergy, Swords with the Nobility and Spears with the Peasants.
D. Halet is a Tarot de Marseilles expert. She spent some years being a fortune-teller for her friends.
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