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In the summer of 1989 I met a remarkable man, a Hungarian Shaman, Joska Soos, who was living in Antwerp. He is of Hungarian origin, born in 1921 in Apostag, and moved to Belgium in 1950. I still remember vividly my first visit to his small house. It was a house in a row, at the outside indistinguishable from its neighbors, but inside it was quite a revelation. On the walls of the entrance hall were his paintings of what seemed to be strange abstract art. I have never been fond of abstract art, but his paintings were different. There was a beauty in them that I couldnt define. I asked him what his paintings represented. He said that he painted light-sound beings he sees with his inner eye. I have known a couple of other people who have seen these light-sound beings when in an altered state of consciousness. Joska Soos’ paintings themselves radiate their energy and can be felt by those who can tune into it. For more information about Joska Soos and his paintings, visit and go the the section House of the Sun.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

2 Responses to The Paintings of Light-Sound Beings, by shaman and artist Joska Soos

  • xTommyGirlx says:

    When I’m in an altered state of conciousness, I tend to see many overlapping circles in what looks like.. idk.. it’s odd

  • mountainbellmusic says:

    Very inspiring and thanks ever so much for putting this up here. I think the sounds are from Joska? Some shamans use various substances to enter into altered states. Although I met Joska a few times I never did ask if he worked in this way too. Can you answer that? I had a tape fromJoska but no conch on that. Are these sound recordings available at all to purchase?

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