Get Adobe Flash player This documentary will educate, shed light and explore the many theories of the souls purpose. Our goal is to cover various areas of energy medicine, paranormal encounters, holistic healing, Eastern medicine and much, much more.The Path will show the metaphysical to the mainstream audience and then prove it using quantum physics and string theory. One of the goals in making the documentary is to continue to raise the vibrational level of the universe and shed more light on the realm of holistic healing. The DVD series will be targeted to the mainstream American audience in order to educate people to consider alterative practices to achieve optimal health and overall a higher quality of living.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

E=mc2 was groundbreaking in it’s application for science & our understanding of the inner working of the Universe. The new theory of relativity breaks ground in the metaphysical realms & provides a unified field theory of everything that ends quite simply with hugging each other without shame long enough, until the whole world has a reason to make a fresh start! Einstein said, “I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are details.” Herein you will understand why imagination is more important than knowledge. Come float with me in this anti gravity dream. &
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to The Path Documentary – Volume I “The Afterlife”

  • Flerg3 says:

    its not death i’m afraid of, it’s the pain that can be associated with death that keeps me in fear.

  • shravana108 says:

    Or spontaneous enlightenment.
    It happens.

  • shravana108 says:

    Yeah, materialistic people look for ‘tangible’ answers and solutions.
    Metaphysical or spiritual people ‘look for’ intuitive answers.
    They are both right, yet their dualistic minds can make the believe that ‘the others’ are wrong.
    There are no others. It’s all in our own consciuosness
    If that is awakened, it will understand the all encompassing truth, combining and at the same time transcending all seemingly contradictory theories.

  • shravana108 says:

    Right you are!!

  • MegaMarkyh says:

    i remember my uncle who has been dead a good few years now saying to me once “if you think that you are gonna win , you will win. if you think you are gonna fail, you will fail. i believe in the law of attraction. i bought a ticket once in a raffle. i had a strange feeling come over me and was certain i had the winning ticket, and i did. i have heard of lottery winners experiencing the same thing. this is not science in a physical sense. this is metaphysics.

  • shravana108 says:

    Beautiful music!!
    Can anyone tell me who is the artist?
    Thank you.

  • seaofclay says:

    VERY GOOD!!!

  • Straessers says:

    i have had a near death expierience, .. what i saw, this reality here is like computersimulated, and after death you change into another simulated rooms, there are billions of other constructions on the other side, the game “second life & its possibilities” gives a little impression how it can be there.
    god knows about modern technologie and its not this old image, people are mostly thinking.
    but you can “life” there also the Jesus-Construction if you like.

  • SciMethod says:

    Amazing ignorance and arrogance.

  • visionsofsilver says:

    My Friend! whatever each individual believes, should be of no concern to others. Providing each person is fully uplifted by thier own individual set of beliefs, whether wierd or wonderfull, should be the main “OBJECTIVE” for all.
    I dont see where the arguement is. Apart from within your own disbeliefs & Uncertainties.

  • rowania says:

    implies morality? morality is real, whether oyu like it or not. religion is not a dogma, it’s a choice, whether you agree with it or not inside. you can’t impose morality on others properly.
    assuming things are incorrect implies a proof they are so.
    “your bigoted views based on false assumptions and ignorance. ”
    project more neo-con faggot

  • SciMethod says:

    Neither Christianity nor any other religion implies morality. This is what you seem to be suggesting. Lack of religious dogma–regardless of what it is–does not imply amorality. Additionally, the goal of objective assessment of reality is to avoid assuming things that are incorrect. You would do well to adopt this approach in many ways, including to reassess your bigoted views based on false assumptions and ignorance.

  • rowania says:

    objective obersvation can’t explain subjective experience, objectivity is not the be all and end all of existence. besides militant disbelief in afterlife creates nihilist gold worshipping jewish brained fucks that rape and kill people for power and money, “just cos they can”, and in a world of unlimited food and beauty, they stil want human slaves, “just cos they can”.. if you’re a jew, you should rethink your tribes morality

  • rowania says:

    so lets scramble into a pile and have gay sex amirite?

  • SolidshakeProduction says:

    materialistic people whant just to come into metaphysics videos, books, etc. in order to give us their limits…
    i’ll never understand why they do that, and why we have to deal with them.

    they can “argue” thousand of years in order to tell us how to think and why “science is the best”…

    The best way is just to listen to our inner voice and just to not care about materialistic opinions…
    We have a more important thing to do…

  • SciMethod says:

    Complete death is when all your cells stop living. Consciousness emerges due to neuron interaction. “Near death” experiences are evidence of the way the body operates while near death–nothing more. Out-of-body experiences now can be induced at will by scientists. Tests and replication are necessary to say science supports something. Life after death has no scientific support. Be open to the notion that your feelings are wrong especially when they are contradicted by objective analysis.

  • mindhush says:

    Please take the time and find out for yourself if it is BS. If you come to the conclusion through your own experience that it is BS then it is BS to you. Search and find out if science is/was done. The answers may surprise you.

  • SciMethod says:

    More unscientific bullshit?

  • peacelovelightjoy says:

    I agree, however for the sceptical analytical scientific mind, using psychedelics is a way to discover and experience consciousness.Its an efficient method to get out of the left brain. I would suggest it as an experience, but then use your method for greater insight!

  • ubikmonroe says:

    Those substances as able to give on a glimpse or two but eventually it’s a dead end. Meditation and or trance states that produce results take time and effort to achieve. Disciplined, focused and centered practice is the only way for a stable piercing of the “veil”.

  • ubikmonroe says:

    The only method that I perceive here belongs to the science of psychology and that is a methodical exhibition of a personality disorder that usually comes from being raised by a narcissistic parent, it can be easily addressed through therapy or even self help books, there is no shame in it however first it needs to be recognized through careful examination of ones ego needs.

  • SciMethod says:

    Drugs prove nothing about life after death. They alter the way you function. Think long and hard about what the scientific method is. Really, it can expand your mind in a way no drugs can.

  • peacelovelightjoy says:

    Have you ever tried ayahuasca, magic mushrooms or LSD?

  • SciMethod says:

    If I clip my fingernails, the energy in my fingernails remains in the clippings. When this material decays into molecules and atoms, I am no longer living in those atoms and molecules–at least not to a perceptible extent. To think that your nail clippings are sacred and part of your consciousness has no substantiation whatsoever. This is new age voodoo thinking. Stupidity is another name for it.

  • GordonMorrice says:

    Life after death? Are there restaurants with toilet facilities? That’s all I need to know to reassure me. Whatever ever happens after that, I’ll gladly go along with.

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