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The Power of Attraction: Does it Really Influence Our Daily Lives?

By now, just about everyone has heard of the Law of Attraction, but does the power of attraction really influence our day-to-day lives? Let’s take a skeptical position for just a minute and examine the evidence.

The most basic example to demonstrate the law of attraction can be found in how we attract people to us — or repel them. Think about the dating scene: a man or woman who is desperately looking for love will often repel potential partners from them. Why is that?

Why should it make any difference at all whether you are desperately seeking a relationship, or could care less? The answer to this question can be found in the Law of Attraction. It says that we always attract more of what we are predominantly feeling and thinking. So if you are feeling desperation and fear of being alone, that is EXACTLY what you are attracting more of in your life.

On the other hand, if you are thinking and feeling contentment and happiness, the power of attraction will see to it that you experience more of those things. You see, some people have the mistaken idea that the Law of Attraction will bring us anything that we want. In reality, attraction does not bring us what we “want.” It brings us more of what we already “have.”

This sounds like a kind of “catch 22” — like you already must “have” something in order to attract more of it. But luckily for us, we have a secret weapon that will allow us to attract things we do not physically have (yet). It is called imagination.

You’ve probably heard many Law of Attraction “gurus” talk about the power of visualization, of developing an “inner seeing” that will allow you to attract virtually anything you can

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