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So here’s my story of why I don’t and won’t do love spells.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 Responses to The Price of Love Spells!

  • shemika341 says:

    Great video. I agree its wrong to try to force someone to love u who deep down really doesnt. Theres nothing better than real love from the heart. I think some ppl can sense they r being pulled against their will somehow &part of them knows it &they get angry. I know I would get angry if I felt someone who I didnt even like deep down trying to override my will.

  • peekyboo31 says:

    I just wanna say you have a beautiful mother earth energy to you, your vids are great, keep them coming

  • mortalsgrief says:

    but i despelled this couse i maneged to see thruege time from insite earth’s system aspects by only thinking of it 24.7 for months to see the dorn of 1 year forward but still i didnt want her to suffer couse i loved her even know i escaped the bond to avoid vilolance from wich is not rigt tio me

  • mortalsgrief says:

    i’m a man of 20 years old goin to be 21 this year november 30 i almost got in to thayt derection of live with a girrl i loved who bound me along with her untill today still the bound is despelled even as a wiccan i couldnt pull it of to deperll it i became a pagan still 7 months in experiance i ,aneged to despell it all the datrkness pain insite is a messive pain burning isite as you experianced standing those agresive punches from him start shatering insite it also remains hatred as i am

  • SimoneElleChavez says:

    Thank you for sharing your story my sister. 🙂

  • OculusCrepuscul78 says:

    I enjoyed this story!!

  • rheanekhebet says:

    I shared this one right away. Folks ask for them but I always caution them of the potential consequences.

  • rizngfenix says:

    @blacklightfreakout sure ain’t – if you’re willing to pay the cost. And there is ALWAYS a cost. Sometimes the cost is more than your ass can afford. Ever hear the sayin’ “Why write a check that your ass can’t cash?” That’s how I see love spells; as a check my ass can’t and don’t want to cash!

  • blacklightfreakout says:

    Ain’t nothing wrong with love spells. You take your chances with relationships going wack whether you do love spells or not. Taking risks is the price living and every new relationship in life has a lot of risks. Ain’t nothing wrong with the devil. Hail hail Satan!

  • CreaTiveNaTive73 says:

    Wooow, i like this one Queen……Is a love spell and a “keep him faithful spell ” the same thing? If such exist.

  • MotherMoon333 says:

    @1980theone it sounds like this person just needs some time. If love is there then it will surely grow, reassure her and give her the space and time she needs to make up her mind. She needs to make her own life path and choices its not fair that you should make that decision for her. From what you said I believe it will happen for you. Just keep on lovin her and she’ll come around.

  • 1980theone says:

    What if the girl is single, likes me, doesn’t like anyone else, but is insecure? about saying yes? She keeps saying in time, in time… Is it bad if I do a spell on her in this case? Please answer, thank you! ^_^

    P.S. She always wants to be with me, hugs me every minute, tells me she loves me, but has been saying she will be my girlfriend “in time” for 4 years now… WOW… I think its because I’m 19, she is 30… Thats mostly likely why, but I could be wrong… She DOES love me… <3

  • 1980theone says:

    love the pic <3

  • 1980theone says:

    What if the girl is single, likes me, doesn’t like anyone else, but is insecure? about saying yes? She keeps saying in time, in time… Is it bad if I do a spell on her in this case? Please answer, thank you! ^_^

    P.S. She always wants to be with me, hugs me every minute, tells me she loves me, but has been saying she will be my girlfriend “in time” for 4 years now… WOW… I think its because I’m 19, she is 30… Thats mostly likely why, but I could be wrong… She DOES love me… <3 ....

  • 1980theone says:

    What if the girl is single, likes me, doesn’t like anyone else, but is insecure? about saying yes? She keeps saying in time, in time… Is it bad if I do a spell on her in this case? Please answer, thank you! ^_^

    P.S. She always wants to be with me, hugs me every minute, tells me she loves me, but has been saying she will be my girlfriend “in time” for 4 years now… WOW… I think its because I’m 19, she is 30… Thats mostly likely why, but I could be wrong… She DOES love me… <3

  • GoddessCoCo9 says:

    Ooooooohhhhh sis –
    You hittin em on ALL sides with this one. I am SO glad that you are away from that and safe! Yea when MAMA Kali comes out…… lololol!!!
    Keep sharing sis – you are making a difference!!
    BTW – The strength I hear in your voice… the vibration coming from you (and this dope azz pix) – MAMA is ALL in you!! Luv and darkness to you!! lolol!

  • ftmprez says:

    One of the first things I read about when I started studying a few months ago was to NOT do love spells. I think its great that you did this vid and thank you for sharing your story! Blessed Be!

  • RootsRunDeeep says:

    @TheGoddessNetworks yea that pic is HOT

  • Tanyia48 says:

    Hey I think we had the same man. There is no way there is 2 of these assholes. This was like hearing my own story. Gave me chills. Thank you for sharing this. Blessed Be

  • womanislife says:

    that’s one thing when i came into the craft i instinctively knew love spells are more trouble than they are worth. i intentionally do not them never it will be done for a man or woman because those binds sometimes are hard to break.

  • nittygritty82 says:

    that pic is so pretty!

  • nittygritty82 says:

    this is so deep………….thank you for this!

  • rizngfenix says:

    @Helenhealer I just won’t give them out. I’d rather work on self than trying to change someones emotions.

  • rizngfenix says:

    @Nataleena07 Awww…thanks a heap!

  • rizngfenix says:

    @SintualEvents Stupid me will NEVER do that again!

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