offer me?
What is your philosophy of witchcraft?
What tradition do you practice?
What do you feel that I have to offer your group?
What are your requirements for degrees?
How long is the dedication period?
What are the expectations of members in your group?
Are there membership dues?
What is your lineage?
What is your teaching style?
How do you define covenstead?
What Covens Do Together
It would be more accurate to ask what covens do not do together! Make ritual candles one full moon. If you do not practice skyclad, make your robes together. If you do practice skyclad, make robes for when you do visit other covens. Make soap or other Yule gifts together. Buy a case of tomatoes from the Farmers market and can them as a group. Throw parties. Make ritual bath salts, make incense, go visit other covens or Renaissance festivals as a group. Cook a weeks’ worth of meals for somebody mourning a loss or celebrating a baby. Become active in the pagan community. Make ritual jewelry together. Design and build a sacred space in your covenstead. Go to movies. Go out to dinner. Switch off babysitting. Adopt a road and pick up the litter. Hold a group yardsale. Help your fellow coveners move. Practice random acts of kindness. Enjoy!
Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on witchcraft schools visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site”
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