a Science is based on observation. More specifically, science is based on the scientific method” “you can begin to see the pattern of a person’s life, the inner drive and meaning behind their behavior, and you can really appreciate and respect, not just intellectually understand, people in a way that is difficult to achieve
Bernard Rosenblum M.D is a psychiatrist, practicing in N.Y, he is using astrology as an assisting tool in his work, in his book “The Astrologers Guide to Counseling” CRCS Publications 1983 pp 34-44.
Pre-Condition, Rosenblum believes that a counselor should be a person with a mature personality, a person who knows himself well, his weakness and advantages, such a person should be able to cope with pressure situations, and should know handling the client reactions.
Moreover the astrologer should keep for himself his cultural beliefs, his ego, and avoid playing power games.
Rosenblum is referring to three levels of the Astrological work with clients.
1. Astrological education – is what commonly goes by the term Chart Reading, it is mainly providing information of a general kind. There is little of a dialogue, sometime a minimal degree of counseling, it occurs when the client is mentioning a problem
2. Astrological counseling – this stage involves a dialogue between the Astrologer and client, the client is a active participant in order to aid him in the working out of current life problems
3. Astro –therapy – In this stage there is the astrologer participates in a regular ongoing way in the depth-psychological change of the individual.
Annie Heese and Adame Banks are determining to basic principals, what