Magic Potion, a very under rated release by the Searchers.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Extreme magic potions (lvl 91 herblore required) are the cheapest way to get fast herblore xp. Each extreme magic potion takes a magic potion (5500-7000 gp depending on the market) and a ground mud rune (untradable as ground; costs about 200 gp each as unground). Making an extreme magic potion gives 250 herblore xp. Extreme magic potions are untradable. While you could spend a long time just grinding runes, I prefer to grind them 13 at a time, splitting up the grinding to make it more manageable. This also avoids the need to bank ground mud runes, although you do lose 1 potion made per inventory. Despite the time taken to grind the mud runes, making extreme magic potions can still be 450k+ herblore xp/hour (grinding 13 muds at a time). In the video I am doing around 26 seconds per round; 26 seconds per round is 450k xp/hour. This is a decent speed but it is possible to be faster. Overloads are another good option to train herblore, and I have 2 videos showing ways to make them. Counting all the steps, overloads can give over 700k herblore xp per hour, which is faster than extreme magics by themselves, but overloads are more expensive. Despite the cost, I did make overloads for most of my herblore xp. I was originally going to use all the magic potions that you can see in this video, but later changed my mind and made mostly overloads instead. I made a total of 56.8k overloads with only around 80k extreme magics extra. I sold the excess magic potions. Some people seem to …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The Searchers are without doubt the best performing band of there time and beond,This song”Magic potion”is just fab and have seen them since the sixtys, They will be playing in my home town Manchester uk in November 2010 where i’ll be there,God bless The Searchers, tezza the manch………….
Oh Gypsy hear my Plea… ‘I LOVE HER’ oh so Desperately…..
Sweet song — Chris sounds lovely as he always does! RIP, Chris.
@spacepatrolman Yep, it was intended to sound like that!! Thanks for noticing! A true Searchers afficionado you are!! Cheri/CCF
@devilwoman52 the lyric sounds like a sequel to love potion number nine
You can see the lovely voice Chris had — he had perfect pitch at any range! One of my fave’s as Chris is on lead!
Another wonderful ‘Bacharach/David’ composition, with Chris Curtis on lead vocals.
Really sweeeeet! Thank you for posting it!
Love hearing this song again…. thanks for sharing!
It was only on an album Souns Like Searchers never a single
And i thought my 18k extreme magics were a lot. Jesus tap dancing christ.
If my calculations are correct, you can stay overloaded for 591.666667 days.
Do you know of any beneficial use of extreme magics?
how many potions an hour do u make?
@GetSavedD00d if thats a serious comment lol at you go play more private servers
@dfauria thats funny because there has been dupes in runescape? even in new rs2 recently, for example the dragon bolt dupe, and thats the one that surfaced and people knew about it, look it up, and for every one that u know there is 10 you dont
Why don’t you do this with a chest ?
Like Castle Wars.
@tomisnub duping is an act used on other cheaply made online games where you can multiply an item so you have lots of it. you cant do it in runescape
@GetSavedD00d if you could ever dupe in rs partyhats would be the first thing to be duped and they would crash. guess what. it hasnt happened because there has never been duping in RS
as far as grounding mud runes goes, wouldnt it be quicker to click on the pestle, double click on the runes, double click on the pestle and repeat, so you use and then select with the same mouse spot?
@tomisnub Something you can’t do in Runescape.
What’s duping?
much is the profit?
you better get 200m magic fast!
@Tofraz how are you so rich….
its sad how much time people waste on this game lol im glad im not you.
@GetSavedD00d dumb questions are dumb. Ie, your question.