were certain that his one true love, the mistress of the dream, were listening. If she was not alive in one of those shards of nothingness before the telling, she may be there before its end, flickering brightly.
It starts with a drip, a single solitary drop, one tear gliding effortlessly down a ruddy cheek and soon there is a downpour to moisten the black earth and call life up from it’s silent depths. This is the great work of the shaman, to make one into many and many into one with a single beating heart.
The The Tequihua Foundation: Manticore is a creature of legend. With the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail of a dragon it is by nature an eater of humanity. This being is and has ever been composed of three parts; the face of a man, the most superficial aspect, the mortal component within this trinity, the body of the lion, the regal and fierce protector, and the dragon, most ancient and undying, These three beings work in conjunction with each other part to bridge the gap between the temporary and the eternal so that the blood of life may flow freely from one dimension to the next. Manticore is three and Manticore is one. Manticore may speak to you, may sing to you, may show you visions, or do all three. These things it will do are done for the sake of doing. It does not consider what effect it may cause. Manticore will open a way for you if you are prepared to take the way it makes.