4.6 Million shells, 2000 sqft of mosaic and one big mystery within the depths of the shell grotto in Margate. Discovered in 1835 by Mr James Newlove’s son who was lowered down originally in the persuit of digging his fathers duck-pond. It’s thought to be a Pagan temple and rumours spread of it being venetian of origin, most definitely a meeting point to honour and bear offerings. Quite possibly a place of magical awareness but more than likely an early civilisations family airloom. Check it out for yourself. It’s open most day’s (including halloween) from 10 -4pm. Weekends 11 am-4pm. Admission £2.50 adults, £1.50 children. Discounts if you pre-book. www.shellgrotto.co.uk The Shell Grotto Grotto Hill Margate Kent CT9 2BU Tel 01843220008 Tell em you know robbwindow.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Thanks for the memories doesn’t look to dirfferent from when I went there a boy in ~1987.
RefCode:Ck43ccTCdcm4 p3v4b03
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Thanks ozzzz156 glad you liked it.
Margate is great I really enjoyed my coach trip, I may soon some more video’s I recorded from this coach trip.
god job. arounf this date every year(end of august) we go to margate to relax for a few day…just came back and didn’t even remeber to visit this grotto. thanks for saring!
This is awesome!