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flu?” It is a cosmic call for humanity to get on the Pig Medicine Path. Meaning, it’s time for us to move in a direction that will help us to address the weaknesses represented by the pig, cultivate the wisdom and power to bring ourselves into balance so we can be in right relationship with our higher destiny. Using Pig medicine (or any animal medicine for that matter) means that you learn to develop and tap into the natural wisdom, strength and power demonstrated by that power animal or animal totem. If you can access this power, you can apply it to your life both in the context of the global community and your personal circumstances.  

In whatever way swine flu came to be in our midst, in whatever way anything ever comes to be in our midst, there has to be something supporting it spiritually or energetically in consciousness first-otherwise it could not exist. All events, biological events, historical events, political events, economic events, whatever the nature of the event, they all have a metaphysical basis in our personal or collective consciousness regardless of what or who appears to be the external cause of those events. Since these events are metaphysical in nature, to understand them you can never really look at them in isolation. Swine flu exists inside what I call an event continuum; it’s one link in a chain of energy that’s been set into motion. What is the motion? And where is it taking us?  

The week that news of the outbreak hit, I was doing an urban spiritual quest. So I immediately saw a deeper message in it-or I should say messages because a metaphysical or spiritual event has multiple layers. On the surface layer, I saw the outbreak as a retaliatory strike-the latest attack in the war between humans and

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