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they manifest in different ways. But what’s happening on one layer is always pointing to what’s happening on another layer in the event continuum. That’s true of our everyday lives as well. All you need to do is look in the right direction or look with the right perspective to see it. So what else is swine flu telling us to look at? Take A Deeper Look at Swine Flu and its Revelations on Dr. M’s Website.

Listen to Dr. M’s “Swine Flu” episode of the Inner Power Hour Radio Show Download the Principles of the Pig Medicine Path by Dr. Antonia M 


Calling all spiritual travelers! Antonia M, PhD, master metaphysician and author of the Inner Power Workbook and the Inner Power Journal & Weekly Planner invites you to a life-changing vision quest and powerful, spiritual journey! Join her this summer for a sacred initiation and rite of passage in the mountains and jungles of Peru. This vision quest is a magical adventure and incredible opportunity to journey with master healers and shamans and let Spirit put you in Right Relationship with your True Direction. Experience profound healing, purification, spiritual rituals, reawakening, mentoring, and reconnection to the deep and powerful spiritual heritage within you. Space is limited. View videos, pricing and the day-by-day itinerary online now at

Copyright 2009, Antonia Martinez, Ph.D.

University Of Metaphysical Sciences, Christine Breese http Wisdom Of the Heart Church 501(c)3 Starlight Journal Ezine Metaphysical Newsletter http Christine Breese http These talks by Christine Breese are satsang videos especially for the internet directly to you, sponsored by University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, which offers Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate DD and Ph.D. degrees in metaphysical subjects. Christine Breese speaks often of being still in the mind and being in the moment. This is only the beginning of enlightenment. After that, the experience of knowing the self that you are is ever deepening and the journey truly never ends. If you would like to meet Christine Breese in person, she offers retreats throughout the year. You can contact University Of Metaphysical Sciences at for retreat schedules or registration. You can also hear 10 minute meditations by Christine at MySpace at If you would like transcripts of these Christine Breese, University Of Metaphysical Sciences videos, visit: “The paradox that exists in the universe is natural and proper! There are many spiritual contradictions in metaphysics and metaphysical teachings about spirituality, awareness, and consciousness. Meditation and yoga are pathways, but nothing is linear… the mind hates paradox… doesn’t
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