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the potential to expand their spiritual of awareness and consciousness.

The spiritual challenge that we face is being called to find a way of expanding our consciousness and awareness around the six themes, (particularly the development of a universal sense of self) and to find ways of transforming these themes into an engagement with everyday life. To do this we need to develop the capacities of what I call the seven paths of spirituality of everyday life.

The first path involves qualities needed to live fully aware moment by moment so that we are able to adjust our actions in real time as events unfold. This is about what Eckhart Tolle calls living in the NOW. Living in the NOW involves engaging with everyday life moment by moment as life unfolds and in being able to monitor our actions so as to be able to adjust what we are doing as events unfold

The second path involves the capacity to treat everything that arises as an opportunity to learn and make the most of every moment. This path is about a transformation from a mindset of unilateral control to one of using each moment of everyday life as an opportunity for infinite possibilities. This path opens people up to the realization that the life that they are has the potential for enormous growth around the six themes of consciousness.

Developing the capacities to walk these two paths contain useful guides about how we can develop a universal self where we become a servant of life

The third path involves the capacity of learning how to take full responsibility for the choices we make. This is the secret to living as a full participant in the game of life rather than as a victim of circumstances.

The fourth path involves the

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