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For Bookings: For More Video: Isis was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshiped as the ideal mother, wife, matron of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, the downtrodden, as well as listening to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers.[1] Isis is the Goddess of motherhood and fertility. Shortly after 2500 BC, during the fifth dynasty, the first written records concerning the worship of Isis appear. The goddess Isis (the mother of Horus) was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky, and was born on the fourth intercalary day. At some time Isis absorbed some characteristics of Hathor a powerful deity. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Seth. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Seth.[2] This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs. Isis is also known as the goddess of simplicity,protecter of the dead and goddess of children from whom all beginnings arose, and was the Lady of bread, of beer, and of green fields. In later myths, Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile River flooded every year

ever wonder what do bunnys, and painted eggs have to do with jesus, or christianity\ what is easter do you know what your saying when you say happy easter did you know that easter is another name for eostre which is a goddess of sex, fertility, and orgys.. shes also known by the names of ostara, ishtar, ashtorath, isis, queen of heaven, Eostre its not hard at all to research, do a google search on any of these names, let me read this artical i found on a wiccan website; Ostara — Spring or The Vernal Equinox As Spring reaches its midpoint, night and day stand in perfect balance… The young Sun God now celebrates a sacred marriage with the young Goddess Eostre , who conceives. In nine months, she will again become the Great Mother. It is a time of great fertility, new growth, and newborn animals. The next full moon is called the Ostara and is sacred to Eostre the Goddess of fertility whose two symbols were the egg and the rabbit. why is her symbol the egg & rabbit…. the egg has always been a symbol of fertility, the rabbit is known for quick reproduction, and even became a symbol of sex these satanic people would worship Eostre by commiting perverted rituals, and telling there children storys that Eostre gave a certain bunny the ability to lay rainbow colored eggs, and every year the bunny would plant these colored eggs in the feild and all the children would search for them.. this is known today as an easter egg hunt. how did this satanic day get mixed in with our

25 Responses to The Temple of Isis Egyptian Goddess, Egypt by

  • 1954phyllis says:

    Christians should observe Resurrection Day not Easter.

  • xToxicAddictionx says:

    Perverted rituals? Really..?
    Do you even believe in god…? Because I don’t.
    Just like Wicca came from satanism, Because of there sign. they both use pentagrams as simbols but they DONT believe in the same thing. AND WICCA is NOT WITCHCRAFT. Wiccans can be in witchcraft Wiccans arnt all witches, People who do witchcraft dont have to be wiccan, but like I said some are. There are different witches(witchcraft) Like christian witches, people who believe in god, worship god.. And do witchcraft.

  • Dragonmaster0118 says:

    you arrogant basterd pagan religons have NOTHING to do with satin we do not even belive in such a being you guys came up with the concep of a being of pure evil what does that tell you?

  • Dragonmaster0118 says:

    pagans ARE NOT satnists you arrogant bastard

  • JCCOUTINO says:

    Agree !!!

  • lykin2005 says:

    @uscpathfinder Thanks i try my fucking hardest 😀

  • uscpathfinder says:

    @lykin2005 disgraceful comment

  • uscpathfinder says:

    Easter is heathenism the correct word is passover.Wake up Christians

  • zsupersaiyan says:

    bullshit………. easter is a holiday and so it will remain. all the other stuff are complete crap.

  • christuh says:

    thank you steelcatena! 🙂
    and sanctifiedbytruth…you didn’t reply. :O
    Jesus loves you both!

  • amelietokyo says:

    agree with Nataleena07:it has nothing to do with Satanism:)!!!!!!!

  • Nataleena07 says:

    1:45 Makes Me sick! Where did you Research That FACT! And 2:25??? WoW!
    This is Sad! *BB*

  • Nataleena07 says:

    Paganism and the CRAFT Has Nothing to do with Satanism! Satanism is adopted and/ taken from the Christian Belief systems! This is Not the Truth! DO YOUR RESEARCH! Instead of coming to YOUR OWN conclusions! These Vids make Me Sad…
    *Blessed Be* *Love and Light*

  • Nataleena07 says:


  • LifesEquilibrium says:

    Actually the government is behind easter, they fill your head up with fluffy bunnies, colorful eggs and chocolate (almost like halloween) so they can get you to give up your money to them, it’s all a diversion,Sad thing is this egg and Bunny nonsense is being taught in schools to the young , the government wants you to grow up with this crap in your developing mind…..will they ever stop?

  • InvisibleCloudKing says:

    Oh my! A symbol of sex! We can’t have that!

  • lykin2005 says:

    so easter is a holiday of fucking WoooHooo 😀

  • Rikeeboy says:

    Im so happy to be an Athiest! This is all really dumb Bull Shit. At least I dont have to work today and I can spend time with my family and friends!!!

  • mosesmerritt says:

    Thank you for the quality info contained in this video. Too many people bastardize this time of year. The equinox is not even recognized by most folks anymore, it just labeled as the ‘first day of spring’.

  • steelcatena says:

    The Easterbunny, especially in the Eastern Churches of Byzantine and Rome, be it Catholic or Orthodox symbolized the risen Christ, as it doesn’t have Eyelids therefore it never “sleeps” just like Christ who never sleeps. The Bunny has diffrent meanings in diffrent places and times, but that doesn’t mean that everything is always somehow linked together with satan and and what not. Also not every Catholic goes around hiding/searching for eggs or takes bunnies serious… -only the resurrection.

  • steelcatena says:

    So just because Eastern is called Eastern in English and Ostern in German, you therfore conclude it’s the same in every language?

    Pashkë/Pashket in Albanian, Pascha in Latin, Pasqua in Italian, Pascua in Spanish, Páscoa in Portuguese, Pâques in French, Påske in Danish, Påsk in Swedish, Påske in Norwegian, Pääsiäinen in Finish, Pasen in Dutch, Paskalya in Turkish.

    Also “Eastereggs” have a very diffrent meaning and they are not always accompanied by an “Easterbunny”.

  • Dawnlina says:

    An addition of how to Celebrate the Passover would be great, alot of people don’t know how.

  • zionsgates says:

    Thanks for putting together this great video.
    I pray that the truth here will awaken the sleepy,compromised saints who have one foot in this world filled with great deception.


    I gave this vid five stars for speaking out against this pagan celebration, in truth!


    There is another way of looking at it and it still means easter is pagan!
    Herod celebrated easter!
    Passover occurred before the feast of unleavened bread, not after!
    He was waiting untill after his pagan celebrations.
    It’s 100% pagan whether you hold your view, or mine and should not be celebrated.

    God bless you, my brother 🙂

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