spiritual center. There are many ways to create this connection, through prayer, meditation, spiritual practice, yoga, dance, authentic movement, art, music and so on. It is your inner longing and request to be more connected with your inner being that will activate this movement. Then, you will begin to be drawn to people, practices and methods that will help you to deepen this inner connection.
God answers all souls’ prayers and all souls’ desires to return home to the center of spiritual beingness. Your prayers and intentions will activate new paths, new directions and new ways of seeing, feeling, understanding, and relating to yourself, to others and to all of life. Now is the time when so much is possible for us all, to enter fully and completely into the divine spiritual manifestation of our soul’s essence, both individually and collectively. Allow yourself to listen deeply to the deepest whispers of your hearts calling, and to follow the truth of your inner being. In this way you will create a new life for yourself, and in doing so you contribute to creating a new and brighter future for us all.
Mashubi Rochell is a spiritual counselor and the founder of WorldBlessings.net, an online spiritual support community which offers spiritual guidance on the transformation of spiritual consciousness.
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