The Truth About Witches, The Most Popular Halloween Symbols
When one hears the word witch it typically brings to our mind green-skinned old hags hovering over a large black cauldron filled with disgusting mixture, chanting some sort of enchantment and worshipping the devil.
Obviously, such false idea of the character has been driven by books for children as well as Hollywood derivative productions because it makes for more exciting films.
We also generally associate witches with the Halloween holiday. However, do we know what exactly are witches? Let’s find out…
First of all the term ‘witch’ is in fact derived from the words wiccian, wicce or wicca; all meaning ‘wise woman’, or in the plural, ‘wise women’. There always have been people interested in learning the special virtues of medicinal plants, the course of the moon, stars and other planets, and by many other aspects of the nature.
Witches are generally associated with the earth-based religion called Wicca however many others could be called “witches” as well while they are not following this specific religion. The truth is that those called “witches” practise a mix of ancient customs that come from the old pagan times. These rituals existed centuries before the advent of the Christian religion. Christians propagated the word “witch” as well as the idea that those who lived under the cycles of nature were worshipping the church of the devil.
It was the Catholic religion which established the concept of Satan or a demon. Until the Catholic church came on the scene there was no concept of Satan or a demon. Actually, the term “pagan” itself means “people of the country” – not devil believers.
Systematically thinking to women when one hears the term “witch” is also
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