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The Witchcraft Sabbats

Witchcraft/Wicca is a positive, earthy religion, which celebrates Life and Nature in dedication of the Goddess and God. The Goddess is symbolized by the moon and is often referred to as the Triple Goddess – Maiden, Mother and Crone. The 12 to 13 Full Moons of the Year are celebrated during the Esbats, which are in a way, lesser Sabbats.

The God is symbolized by the Sun. The movement of the sun through the heavens manifest in seasonal changes. This movement is symbolized as a wheel by Witches/Wiccans and referred to as the Wheel of the Year. The interaction between the Goddess and God is celebrated at eight specific points on the Wheel. Four of the celebrations correspond with the two equinoxes and the two solstices. The four remaining celebrations each honor a figurative phase of Nature and the associated festivities can be traced back to time immemorial on many parts of the globe. These eight celebrations are called Sabbats.

The Sabbats are days of power. They tell a tale of the Goddess and the God and how Their interaction affects us on earth.

Yule (+/- 21 December)

Yule marks the Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the Year. It is at this time when the Goddess gives birth to the God. As the God is symbolized by the Sun, this celebration also marks the rebirth of the Sun. From the 21st of December, the days gradually start growing in length as the God gains strength, each day passing marking one day closer to the bounty of spring. This day reminds Witches/Wiccans that the ultimate product of Death is Re-birth – a comforting and joyous occasion indeed.

Imbolc (2 February)

The Goddess has recovered from giving Birth to the God. The God

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