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Thelema and Magick: A performance of Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic ritual Liber XXV “The Star Ruby” performed by Frater X.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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26 Responses to THELEMA and Magick: The Star Ruby

  • ForlornDespair says:

    Constant grab of the nuts, shows where the true magic is!

  • tesfan4evr says:

    Since its founding in 1904, the Thelema has gone downhill. You are a rediculous, sad excuse for a Thelemite. Aleister Crowley’s death in 1947 marked your Order’s death in actuality. Whether you are truly a Thelemite or not is unknown.

  • vorpal72 says:


  • kiefhouse says:

    What has this done for your life if you don’t mind me asking?

  • WWOLFwts says:

    Uhmmm… I don’t mean to be -That Guy- but… You are really pronouncing everything wrong – And not in a good way, either

  • RaKanMusik says:

    Hi. I am Frater Bootyliscious. Thank you for this beautiful video.

  • RaKanMusik says:

    @Wolvve The Bible

  • GreenLucifer666 says:

    Hello I like both rituals a lot o power generated in the rituals and I also liked the other one star sapphire I believe they were well performed, movements and all. I hope in the feature you might also do more rituals and posting them on youtube they are educational in my own opinion. Anyway good luck to you

  • Wolvve says:

    Very very interesting. I had a few quick questions for you if you dont mind. Does the tone you use during the chants have a hypnotic effects on the mind? I found my conciousness feeling altered while you were reciting them. I am a total beginner to the practice of Magick but would like to find a system of magick to excercise my willpower and to reach my fullest potential. Could you please recommend a book or two to get me started?

    Thanks and much respect.


  • ilimon says:

    Thanks a lot! I love how you shot/edited this, it shows every step from every relevant angle, something not present in most ritual videos on yotube, love is the law, love under will.

  • chaosopher23 says:

    Good question! My suggestion to you is to pick up a copy of Magick Without Tears, if you can find it, and read the letters at random to get an overview of Crowley’s idea as to what Thelema is. Many Thelemites believe in that way. It is, in my opinion, Crowley’s best work.

  • chaosopher23 says:

    Wearing a shirt inside out hides the logo. Didn’t you know that?

  • LinkBulletBill says:

    What do people who believe in Thelema do believe in?…
    A God?
    A Devil?
    An Afterlife?

    I’m interested and is searching for good information…

  • WhatWouldSutekhDo says:

    Excellent! Wow

  • RenoThelemaCrew says:

    Good on you, Frater X!

    93 93/93

  • oi67oi says:

    Not at all. You can be a Thelemite without practicing Magick. It’s a lifestyle as much as anything else.


  • 11and99 says:

    doodoo butter

  • jah7919 says:

    It’s not knowing who I am, it’s knowing where I am coming from. These be things that could ultimately destroy you. Escape it to find the truth.

  • ceetboy says:

    are u trying to copy alister crowley?

  • dhakhair says:

    your crazy man and stupid…what? where’s the verb?

  • Star156Productions says:

    Nice fake youtube account. I know who you are. But kudos for noticing.

  • jah7919 says:

    Is wearing your shirt inside out representative of how backwards this whole ridiculous process is? I’m sorry that this fellow is mislead into this nonsense.

  • Star156Productions says:

    Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.
    “the slaves shall serve.” –AL. II. 58

  • JPHireland says:

    what does this even do?

  • miscreante says:

    Uh unless I misread, it wasn’t hate under will…

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