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his mind only perceives realities that his mind has been exposed to by his culture. Limited by its belief system, the mind is unaware of a boundless world teeming with unfiltered possibilities.

Key 3 – Open to New Possibilities

From his elders, the medicine man learned that any unusual pattern in our world always indicates that something has changed in our reality. But, in this instance, the shaman is not yet seeing the specific element that has been added or taken away. In order to see what element has changed, he lets go of how his ego-mind “thinks” the world operates. He opens himself to making a fresh discovery—the 3rd key.

As a result of deciding to allow new possibilities into his life, the shaman sees the cause of the peculiar patterns: the never-before-imagined clipper ships! As soon as the shaman perceives the large ships, he tells his tribe the ships exist and points to exactly where they are. The rest of the islanders are then able to perceive the vessels.

Where Are Those Darn Car Keys?

This remarkable true story resonates with me as I recall comparable experiences in my life. There have been times when I haven’t seen my car keys sitting on a table—even though they were clearly visible.

The dynamics of my situation are similar to those of the islanders who don’t see the ships because of their limited belief system. At first, I don’t see my car keys on the table. So, I decide the keys aren’t there. Once I’ve decided the keys aren’t there, I’ve created a belief that “my keys aren’t on the table.” This belief then filters out my ability to perceive the keys sitting on the table in plain sight. Only

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