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Three of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Means

You must be impartial and look at all the images that the tarot card presents. Only then you can have a look at the bigger picture and understand what the tarot cards are signifying.

The cards should be used as a tool of self esteem and self development. They are wonderful tools for developing your intuition power and they should be used accordingly. The cards are a guide to meditation and not just simple playing cards. The tarot reader must know how to use the tarots to focus within the mind and develop intuition. The intuition that you develop from a deck of Tarot cards will be helpful in every field of life.

The cards are not for those who are self absorbed. You must learn to accept the lessons that tarot gives to you. Your self-possession should not be so great that you begin to deny the lessons. You have to realize the fact that you have imperfections in you and you must accept humbly the incantations of Tarot.

In most cases, people use the signifier card to represent themselves. In this respect, the signifier card is the central figure or question posed during a tarot reading. This is done by incorporating a person’s signifier card as a specific key card in a tarot spread. As the key card, the signifier represents the person or central issue being read with the surrounding cards relating back to it.The beauty of signifier tarot cards is their ability to aide the tarot reader in remaining focused on a specific person or issue during a tarot reading.

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