Three Tarot Cards Interpreted: the Emperor, Star, and Lovers
The Emperor Tarot Card
The Emperor stands for leadership & control. The Emperor is that character who gave the Fool his inspiration, his new guiding light in his quest for happiness: control of the mind to balance the workings of the heart.
As such, the Emperor Tarot Card touches the enthroned ruler that lies within each of us. We are, after all, still masters of our own fate.
It is the card that forces us questions like, Who rules over you? What else would you like to be in control of? Whom do you rule? What kind of boss are you? Who would you rather rule over you?
You may not know it but you could be a benevolent leader, an incompetent ruler, OR even a ruthless tyrant in your workplace, in your home, in your health, in someone’s heart.
Sometimes, it takes a humble ego to reinvent one’s self.
The Star Tarot Card
A woman kneels by a pool under a sky lit by eight stars. An urn in each hand, she pours out water from one urn into the pool, and onto the earth, from her other urn. She is both replenishing the thirsty pool and bathing the arid earth.
The Star Tarot Card is a card that tells of good things to come, a welcome insight into the future.
It symbolises mostly positive things: help on the way, soothing calm, a good quench and nourishment, relief, hope, spiritual awareness and psychic illumination, as provided for us by two basic elements–water and gentle (star)light.
On the negative aspect, the Star Tarot Card warns us of self-doubt and disbelief that hinder us in our happiness.
The Lovers Tarot Card
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