Originally called just Love, the Lovers’ card has an angel (Raphael) or cupid, a man and a woman, two trees (in Waite, it is Adam & Eve under an apple tree with a serpent). In some decks, one tree is flowering, but the other has fruit. Also in some decks, there are two women for the man to choose from.
After a tiring, aimless journey, the Fool arrives at a tree which beckons him to stop, rest for a while, and decide his next move/mission. The blossoming all-knowing tree is supposed to be his landmark, but lo and behold, a Woman is there waiting, as if for him.
It is not coincidental that before the Fool arrives at the fruit-bearing tree, he had visited the Emperor first. The Emperor signifies control, power, being on one’s guard, stiffness, and structure—everything that is the opposite of what the Fool is about to find out in love.
For love is a surrender to all power. And in that surrender, a new power is energized—one that braves all odds. More than anything, the Lovers tarot card is not just about Love, but also Choice. And realising that he is equipped with Choice, the Fool knows better to follow his heart.
Neoli Marcos writes for PsychicGuild: online provider of tarot reading, dream interpretation and astrology reports.
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