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Tips Self Publishers Can Use To Help Sell More Books Fast

It’s one thing to write a book, but an entirely different thing to write one that’s saleable, viable, and marketable. With careful planning you can market, promote, and get (free) publicity (publicity is always free) on a limited budget; you can take the cheap and easy way. In today’s publishing environment, a book’s success depends greatly on a strong marketing plan.

Using press releases can be a very effective marketing tool if used properly. Your book press release should not be written as you would a sales letter or flier, it should be written for the editor and tell about your book in a factual way, no opinion or glowing remarks. Learning to write and use powerful optimized press releases can often drive tons of traffic to your website while providing multiple back links that can lead to increased page rank and numerous top ten search engine rankings for your targeted keywords.

Send out the same press release to the editor of your local daily newspaper every week until you are called for an interview or are written up. Make sure your press release spells out the ‘who, what, where, when, and why.’ Using press releases for marketing or promoting your book or book’s website has become increasingly popular as publishers discover the powerful benefits of using press releases.

Press releases can generate thousands of dollars in sales when picked up by national trade or print media. Send out at least 10 press releases to the print and broadcast media in your area every month.

Make sure your sales letter or flier is first class; this is your formal presentation of your title to the prospective buyer. When you get a nice write up or feature about you and/or your

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