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book, have it laminated and set it up on an easel at trade shows. Print and online publications provide longevity to your marketing campaign in terms of having something tangible for people to reference ongoing.

Your sales letter or flier should include an eye-grabbing headline, the benefits to the buyer, the book features, book sales information and testimonials. Women buy more books then men; see how you can fit your book into the women’s market. Place free ads periodically for your book’s website on Craigs List in different categories to drive even more traffic to your website.

It’s important to publish a website that focuses on your title; you’ll be able to refer editors and customers and all interested parties to your book information with the click of a mouse. Submit articles to online article directories that focus on your book’s topic to drive customers to your website. Create an online contest and list it in online contest directories to drive traffic to your website.

Market your book to your number one market first, and then go after the secondary markets. Remember to make sure your book is listed in Books-in-Print; don’t assume it’s already listed. Contact non-bookstore booksellers and offer to leave books on consignment.

Arrange to speak at local, regional and national events that relate to your book topic; bring books along and have an associate sell them at the back of the room. Local radio shows and television appearances are good but are often forgotten within hours of the broadcast; make sure to make or get a copy of any television broadcast for future promotions.

Make sure not to overlook the Internet; get yourself interviewed or profiled for

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