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Trip to graveyard: Destroying black-magic taweez (amulets, talisman) Article related to this video can be found here: @ All Rights Reserved. Pls do not reproduce with’s explicit permission.
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25 Responses to Trip to graveyard: Destroying black magic spells, taweez (amulets, talisman) in Pakistan

  • mqasim7866 says:

    @truplaya147 ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

  • mqasim7866 says:

    @Shawrix black majic can be done in various ways doing taweez is the most common way and it can be done any where not nesesarly in grave yard

  • mqasim7866 says:

    @kashchiza i guess thats possible

  • mqasim7866 says:

    @artistdigital lisen to this brother he knows wat hes talking about never burn tawees put them in running water

  • trancemajestic says:

    @search4truth11 Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. Believe in Him and be saved.

  • search4truth11 says:

    just read these will know that just wearing amulets&taweez is a grave sin& constitutes shirk.I have provided references as well so that you can check up.As for your interest in your studies,it is ONLY YOU who can create interest in ur studies,are u studying the subjects that u like?Have faith in Allah,make Duas to him only,do Taubas frm All your sins,give sadqa instead of paying money to Amil,ask forgiveness from your parents& read all namaz& tahajjud if you can.May Allah help u.

  • search4truth11 says:

    It was narrated from ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir al-Juhani (RA) that some people came to the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) and he accepted the oath of allegiance from nine of them and not from one man.They said:O Messenger of Allaah (PBUH),you accepted the allegiance of nine and not from one. He said: “He is wearing an amulet.” So he put his hand in (his garment) and broke it, then he accepted his oath of allegiance and said:“Whoever wears an amulet has associated others with Allaah (shirk).” (Ahmad, 16781)

  • search4truth11 says:

    @sam90495. Wearing taveez and amulets constitutes shirk.. please dont get me wrong but just read these hadith. “The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks him about something, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days.”(Muslim (2230)., It was narrated that ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) say: “Whoever wears an amulet, may Allaah not fulfil his need, and whoever wears a sea-shell, may Allaah not give him peace.” (Ahmad, 16951)

  • sam90495 says:

    @search4truth11 waliakum salam bhai but the charm(taweez) is worn for the fortune i mean i m student of master i want to improve my interest in studies but i feel there is some thing that is not letting me achieve my ambitions.i dont know tell me is it good to wear charm for fortune with quran verses.?

  • search4truth11 says:

    I hope these clips will help you to understand that most taweez have numbers in them& they are calling shaitan to help or to appease the shaitan.Watch this clip “THE TRUTH ABOUT TAWEEZ PART 1by MrUmairmazhar” you will know what i mean.Also to seek refuge from shaitaan& magicians watch “The World of Jinn by rouarzazi” inshallah you will learn alot& you will benefit from it.Read Surah Falaq & Surah Naas, Ayath Al-Kursi abundantly & make dua’as to protect you and your family from evil things.

  • search4truth11 says:

    Just to inform everyone here that any AAmil, Peer, Moulvi, or anyone who asks your ful name &nickname, specially mother’s name&family’s names, or if anyone asks for your personal items with sweat on it specially undergarments, or asks for specific type of animal to be slaughtered in a specific way at a particular time & when slaughtering the animals they ask you to say something, they are magicians. Read all the duas you Know say astaghfirullah and just getaway from them as soon as possible.

  • search4truth11 says:

    @sam90495 . Salam.. brother there is no such thing as good taaweez.. These taweez usually have numbers on them! have you ever thought why there are numbers, its because we cannot make sense of them .. these numbers usually mean bad things and /or they (Na’Aazubillah) curse Allah to make the shaitan happy.

    Some scholars have previously said Quranic Ayahs can be used but all the great Alims in Islam have said that its not allowed beacuse it gives rise to bad things.

  • mujhadia says:

    this is sick. my own family back home recently discovered a parcel expertly concealed in the wall of their bathroom. before washing it away my uncle looked it over and probably knows who did it and who the target was. so much hate and jealousy over money and perceived popularity.

  • Shadhin101 says:

    May Allah reward you brothers…..Ameen

  • noobcake56 says:

    i once read a book if a donkey yells it means he saw an devil. i dont know about crows but i think almost the same, inshallah u be safe of those mujrimeen people blackmagic is worst thing u can do to people

  • artistdigital says:

    @muslimmatters Smell these! The black ones would stink while you recite. They are written in blood of black dog etc

  • artistdigital says:

    Don’t burn them brother! Don’t ever burn them!! Recite Sura Naas and Sura Falak 11 time on them and then throw them in running water! Don’t burn! It would make it worse! Great intention! Jazak Allah Bil Khair!

  • SuperDevilmind says:

    good job bro… May Allah bless u… t c

  • LosTL0rD says:

    Very brave and courageous act brother .. Ma sha Allah, i pray for you this act of yours in sha Allah will be rewarded hugely.

  • shamir137 says:

    well done may Allah swt reward you with jannah.

  • smsab54 says:

    such a good deed you do brother. MasyaAllah

  • kashchiza says:

    Q: A magician can undo his/her done Magic ? I mean if a magician do a magic over some one is it possible that the same magician can undo the done magic. Or cut the effect of the magic.

  • khawajakhalid4u says:

    Main Kehta hon Done a Great Job …

    May ALLAH save you from all the effects ..!!!!!

  • BoobStryker says:

    These Black magicians, Use the time old practice of blowing on knots. Ive also heard of other sorts of things like peoples hear tied around a shard of glass which is a common recurring thing i hear from Gujarati hindu’s who claim that somebody has cursed them, or like dead snake wrapped around a old possesion of a person. Alot of it involves a personal item or link, and something to bind it that is negative. I personally just believe ayatul kursi is enough to destroy all evil.

  • mykhan2002 says:

    If anyone have any problem like Jinn, sihir, Evil eye etc. then you can contact me.? I am working from Karachi Pakistan according to Qura and Sunnah my contact number is +923332259433

    To view my channel click my ID

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