the final version, though it can be heard “in all its magnificent foolishness” (from the liner notes) on Boxed. The Boxed set reinstates the section at the end of side two of Tubular Bells. It can also be heard on the SACD (multi-channel track only) This rendition of “Sailor’s Hornpipe” was included in the 2009 Mercury reissue of Tubular Bells.
In addition, a version of Tubular Bells was originally released on the Spanish Boxed compilation such that Part Two ended with the “Ambient Guitars” movement without the “Sailor’s Hornpipe” finale. Stereo record joke
The album cover contains humorous statements about the record being in stereo. Under the label’s logo on the back, there is the statement, “In Glorious Stereophonic Sound”, followed by the line: “Can also be played on mono-equipment at a pinch”. Another statement appears at the lower left of the back cover, a spoof on the warnings about compatibility between stereo records and mono equipment (or vice versa) as found on older albums:
This stereo record cannot be played on old tin boxes no matter what they are fitted with. If you are in possession of such equipment please hand it into the nearest police station.
The use of record vs. equipment warnings re-appeared on album covers when quadraphonic albums were marketed in the early to mid 1970s, and when Tubular Bells was later issued in quad, the American pressing removed the “tin boxes” statement. British and Australian quad pressings retained the statement, and most quad editions modified the top-right statements to read: “In Glorious Quadraphonic Sound; Can also be played on stereo and mono equipment at a pinch”. Some British editions also had a sticker on the front declaring the quad edition to be “for people with four ears”.
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