Twisting an Turning You Inside Out!
Life is nothing but a continuing cyclic journey of surprising ‘twists and turns’ that at times, appear contrary to the direction in which we are wanting to head. In fact, the road may abruptly stop throwing us in the opposite direction. Leaving us in a tailspin; confused, angry, bewildered, and uncertain as to what our next step is supposed to be. Instead of calmly reassessing the situation to note what ‘new’ element may have been added, and how THAT element can enlighten, inspire and propel, we usually end up in a panicky state, trying to ‘hold on’ or ‘get back’ what we assume has been lost. Nothing has been lost. All things are precisely in order according to a Divine/Universal/Cosmic Plan, we are not privy to at the time. If we could be remember that there is always a third silent partner acting in all of our endeavors {better referred to as the unknown variable}, we may save ourselves a lot of self-induced anxiety and forlorn grief. The trouble arises because we are so determined to arrive at our destination, (a specific goal oriented target) we miss the opulent story of our life unfolding each moment.
In truth, how do we REALLY know where we are headed? So many times, people pursue things vehemently, that in the end bring them nothing but unhappiness. And, other times people seek after things for the wrong reasons, either to please another or because it will make them a lot of money, supposedly. Neither of these objectives can ever fulfill. How many times, in your own life, have you heard the stories of people who accidentally stumbled into their passion by what appeared to be, at first, an unfortunate circumstance or situation? Or, that by involving themselves in something they had no