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intention of following, ended up finding their true joy?  This could occur from volunteering, being at the so-called right place at the right time or simply placing one foot in front of the other each day without a concrete plan of action.  In other words, letting your life unfold naturally without a preset determined course of action can offer opportunities more than you could ever dream up or imagine. There’s no doubt that life is a mysterious creature that not only continuously surprises us but constantly forces us to draw upon resources we may not be aware of. We are designed to ascend to heights yet unseen but will not push ourselves unless acted upon from outside forces. {A natural law of physics}  Enter: the unexpected events of our lives.

In order to evolve, chaos is necessary. The universe is continually throwing itself out of balance {in a state of perpetual chaos} in order to maintain equilibrium. Nothing remains static. Change is inevitable and vital. Maintaining a rigid attitude which does not allow for variance will do nothing but cause you to age before your time. Don’t be so fixed.  Don’t hold onto grudges that need releasing. It is written in ancient manuscripts: “Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”.  In other words, refuse to establish and maintain a premeditated way of life.  Be spontaneous and natural. Be convenient to yourself and you will remain true.   You can not stop what is going to happen anymore than you can change the color of your eyes. So, what do you do?  Get mad?  Scream? Demand your way? Balk and refuse to go along with the current program? Or pretend to give in but all the while hold an ‘ace in the hole’ counting the days until you get “yours”? 

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