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Druanna and Jerami travel Las Vegas. 2 hours E is the famous Area 51, Extraterrestrial Hwy, Ufo Research Center and AleINN We saw a UFO CLOUD Across the street from the UFO RESEARCH CENTER which might have been SIRIAN IN ORIGIN! Aliens ufo crop circles ghost spirits haunting emf evp spirituality psychic phenomenon medium channeler spirituality metaphysical vortex portal stargate paranormal brad johnson druanna johnston mystery montauk project philedelphia project ufo Songs: Under the Milky by The Church; Talk by Cold Play
Video Rating: 4 / 5 This link is the short story of how this metaphysical lifestyle video series came about. Finding a spiritual wellness definition that best speaks to you is what is covered in this video, but I’ll be posting several videos about spiritual wellness for the next few months.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

25 Responses to UFO SIGHTINGS AREA 51 with Dru and Jerami

  • 4thdensityreality says:

    Thanks for posting this video ! I have always wanted to see the Lil Alien-Inn and area 51. 🙂

  • astralsurfing says:

    dru is so gorgeous

  • draconian45 says:

    I was at Roswell last week and that was pretty cool.

  • vendeta912 says:

    did you go right up to the gate?!?!?!?!?!

  • Sparksomeart says:

    Oh my god Druanna that’s awessssomeeeeee!

  • Druanna says:

    Thanx Johnny, we had such a blast. I cant wait to film another place soon. We plan to film the vortex where we are going this saturday. We plan to camp out there. whoo hoo

  • redlabl says:

    Cool I like hearing to the Church in the beginning. I Promised Dru Girly I will Keeep my Eyes Covered if you drink more ET Tequila….LOL! Cool sound track for this Video.Cool ship(cloud).Dru girly that was cool you guys had fun! Johnny

  • pr0llyn0t says:

    Alien tequila huh, alien cannabis or mushrooms would be very interesting as well hehe 🙂

  • ARC2883 says:

    i really liked the video, Druanna! again, i appreciate it so much. the UFO cloud was pretty awesome. maybe the next time you’re here they will be flying the jets and u can experience a sonic boom. i really hope u come back!

  • Druanna says:

    Hey Desiree!!! Hey howd u like the video??? lol I had such a blast man omg! Im so going back there again soon, when it cools down some. Had such a great time and saw a Ufo Cloud right across from The Alien Research Center!!! It was perfect! lol

  • ARC2883 says:

    Hey Druanna! it’s Desiree from the Alien Research Center. thanks for letting me do an ARC plug on your youtube video. hope u had a great trip and i hope u come see me again someday.

  • Silberhorter says:

    this cloud looks like a Chemcloud to me. 🙂 lot around lately, they sprayed Chemtrails in June and July here like there is no tomorrow seeding clouds which wont go away anymore, they always rise from horizon as “cumuls clouds”.
    I am feeling also lot of strong and positive energy, makes me happy and my brain starts its ability to “smile” 🙂 What will happen today? no UFOS outside? I captured one ufo 5 weeks ago:


  • wychoba says:

    i would have got out the car and threw a rock at the ufo and listened out for the ping. maybe the operator would have got out to have a look. check out the ufo summoners, im going to try that.

  • Ninjamonkeys18 says:

    Wow. Hope you had a great time there. I bet it was amazing, even though you can’t exactly get too close to it considering they have intense security around that place.

  • Druanna says:

    ha ha ha he he he

  • Druanna says:

    wow would love to see that in person 🙂 Sounds like a top secret place. Hmmmmm…

  • 0gani says:

    nice but a little disappointed,…… there was absolutely nothing paranormal about this video…. Except the cloud though. We have a lot of strange clouds here in eastern europe too….

  • Jaharra19 says:

    Thanks for taking us on the grand tour.
    Can’t wait to see more, more, more
    Love and Light!
    A. Leon

  • sepulturero1000 says:

    cool 5/*****

  • killbillrules says:

    this is cool how do i become a member of the club

  • 101408blogspot says:

    lol…Can I call it or what Dru. I knew that when you went there, you would see something in the sky. Twin psychic magic in the making. 😉

    Awesome vid!

  • bufforilla says:

    Thanks for the Vid, Very cool!!!

  • cheshurecat39 says:

    I so have been wanting to visit the alieninn and area 51. hopefully one day.
    anywho, i totally enjoy watching your video’s Druanna. I cant wait til the next one

  • cheshurecat39 says:

    how strange, I am eating a milky way right as i read your comment.. trippy

  • SpatialAnomoly says:

    Under The Milkyway Tonight … class donnie darko tune

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