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United States Of Africa:-Why An Illusion Than A Vision


Hope in Despair

The dream of a United States of Africa should not be a political dream, individual solution or concept neither a politician`s ambition. It must be seen first to come from the foundation of the people of Africa`s collective desire, and in a true and sincere spirit for EMANCIPATION- building bridges to an AFRICAN UNITY DREAM.

We are so divided in our visions and quest, there seems to exist too many solutions without any positive directions or workable answers. This cannot be a one MAN`S show or journey. It is a caravan and an adventure into the promise land like Moses leading the people; but after leaving them for a while without a leadership structures, they collapse in sin which stood as our curse from the ancestors today.

We use Mr Gaddafi like many others, criticise and dump them after achieving our private and personal deceitful agendas. This is not healthy and sincere at all for meaningful progress. Do not dance and dinning with the devil and want to call him an enemy. Then why encourage him at the first instance if not to be his friend!!! When we are in trouble or in a crisis, only few of the many leaders comes to each other`s rescue. Mr Gaddafi`s name always is synonymous with gestures to many African groups and governments in time of their needs. He paid many of the contributions and debts for many African countries before and recently to other financial commitments and obligations owed to the AU and other regional organisations. How can you call these countries sovereign states? “I am dismayed and cannot believe this can or is happening with impunity lacking dignity in modern Africa”.

I am not

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