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Question by SmashTheState: US Republicans: Would your own homeland satisfy you?
I have a question for the local US Republican supporters.

If you were given your own homeland to do with as you please, would you be satisfied? That is, suppose Amerika decided that there were irreconcilable differences and divided up the country and resources fair and square (so, for example, if Republicans represented 60% of the population, you’d get 60% of the land mass, 60% of the treasury, 60% of the coastline, etc.), giving you a homeland where you could live as you please. You wouldn’t have to live with homosexuals, blacks, latinos, uppity women, scientists, evolutionists, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, pagans, liberals, communists, anarchists, socialists, fetishists, pornographers, punks, metalheads, rappers, or basically anyone other than straight, white, male-dominated, European-descended, English-speaking Southern Baptist christian fundamentalists in monogamous relationships.

If this was done, would you be satisfied to live in your own homeland and leave everyone else alone? Or would you feel the need to prosletyze and attempt to get rid of the “evil-doers” outside, too?
I’m not an Amerikan, and I’m not a liberal. Do any of you folks intend to actually answer the question?

Best answer:

Answer by El Tecolote
Apparently you know nothing about American history. Look up the Civil War and see how that ended. Then you’ll have your answer.

What do you think? Answer below!

12 Responses to US Republicans: Would your own homeland satisfy you?

  • Liberals SUCK says:

    I only surround myself with Republicans as it stands. I can do without the damn liberals. So my answer is YES I CAN.

  • robot_hooker5 says:

    We have that already. It’s called the United States of America.

  • Sean says:

    Why don’t you liberals leave, your the ones that want to change America not us.

  • Michon says:

    You sound stupid ! … Do people tell you that ?

  • Dagny says:

    WE WERE.

    This IS it.

    I answered the question and I meant it.

    WE WERE given this HOMELAND by the founding fathers through the Constitution.


  • Evil Goodness says:

    Why not just deport all the liberals to Soviet Canuckistan?

  • Sheesh says:

    We Conservatives ALREADY have our own homeland – it’s called the United States of America. Not “A Few Of The States of America”.

    And we already ARE homosexuals, blacks, latinos, uppity women, scientists, evolutionists, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, pagans, liberals, communists, anarchists, socialists, fetishists, pornographers, punks, metalheads, rappers

  • ?Rob? says:

    kinda like post Colonial America…

    and the downside again…


    btw. we’d keep our scientists…

  • oh barry says:

    lol eat a dick. just because some loser lib was able to weasel his way in with a lib commie media and acorn. i guarantee he is the last liberal in the whitehouse. independents are now into polictics and acorn is gone.

  • dasuberding says:

    You may not be AmeriKan or a LIBERAL but the way you phrase your question means you have an AGENDA. Regardless, since there is three Conservatives to every Liberal in my country, the question should be asked of the liberals. Would they be happy if they had their own segregated land where they could live in their entitlement land of Oz and print all the money they want to fund their feel-good programs, then when their dollar is hyper-inflated due to overspending, they can get bailed out by other liberal minded countries such as the ones of Western Europe. whatever you may think, America is a conservative nation, not a liberal one. We have some wacky states (the blue coastal states) but they are all broke now.

  • Joey says:

    Interesting the people you assume are all liberals and evil doers. You don’t really want that because we would have to fight your enemies as they would soon be our neighbors and we would end up taking back your land and be in the same situation we are in today.

  • titacabreros says:

    Yes. Wish you luck.

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