specialist for the names of people who sell to them and their offices. If you’re interested in lab sales, find a small lab and ask for the names of the sales reps who call on them. Then, ask the sales rep if you can ride along for a day or half a day, to see what that job is like. It will be a nice touch if you offer to buy lunch, or maybe give them a small gift afterwards (maybe a LinkedIn Profile Tutorial or new sales book). Add that experience to your resume, and you’ve made a huge positive step toward landing a medical sales job.
Peggy McKee has over 15 years of experience in sales, management, and recruiting. She is the CEO of PHC Consulting, a nationally-known medical sales recruiting firm. See her website and blog for more on how to get into medical sales and what jobs are available at => http://www.phcconsulting.com.
Peggy offers powerful tools and tips for resumes, networking, LinkedIn, 30/60/90-day plans, brag books, and more that will help you succeed in any job search at => http://www.career-confidential.com.
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