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Now, who was taught to believe that as a child? Well, maybe some of you were told to “think” positively as Peter instructed Wendy. Maybe you were inspired to follow your dream, as Glenda the good witch encouraged Dorothy.

Our parents may have loved us, but they also wanted to protect us from catching a cold, getting hit by a car, being hurt by a friend and whatever else; thus unconsciously taught us to doubt.   The Hicks teach, “The creative life-force, or energy of the universe, flows through you and literally connects you to all that is. Through your attention, or focus of thought you draw the specifics unto you.” The Hicks continue, “If you are feeling negative emotion, you are. in that moment, in the mode of attraction. Most often you are, in that moment, resisting something that you want.”  

Born in poverty, Abraham Lincoln became President and abolished slavery; Thomas Edison made numerous attempts until he discovered electricity; Einstein, an academic failure had a daydream that led to his theory of relativity. Traumatized by rape Maya Angelou was mute throughout her childhood and went on to become a famous author, poet and advocate for civil liberties. All mythical and religious heroes had one thing in common; they created miracles through their passion, courage and belief. These ingredients are the “life force” that the Hicks claim “flows through you and connects you, attracts you to all that is.” “As you are focusing upon…and thereby attracting… that which is in harmony with that which you consider good, your inner being offers you the feeling of positive emotion as acknowledgement of your positive connection,” state the Hicks. Simply put. what you focus on you attract.  

That’s what miracles are all about…

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