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discovery could have been made ” ! The Difference between the Tropical ( Western ) & The Sidereal ( Indian ) Zodiacs is round about 23 degrees this year. Sidereal Astrology is based on the immovable Zodiac- the Sidereal Zodiac – and Western Tropical Astrology is based on the Tropical Zodiac which is movable.

The Philosophic Aspect

As the destructive power is imbedded in the atom, so are the acts of preservation, creation and destruction invested in the womb of Almighty Time. Time Eternal alone is the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Past,Present & Future are imbedded in the womb of Time Eternal and a knower of Time can get an insight into Past, Present & Future. The Present is a product of the Past. Future is contained in the Present inasmuch as it is determined by the Present. The Lord equates Himself with the cosmic phenomenon of Time. ” I am Time Eternal ” declares He in the the Geetha ( “Kalosmi ” ). Oppenheimer, the Father of the Atom Bomb quoted this verse from the Geetha when saw the first atomic explosion. To him, the destructive power of the atom was a mere manifestation of the destructive power of Time Eternal!

Uses of Astrology

The Practical Aspect

The great French mathematician Laplace advocated Probability as a weapon to cope up with Reality. Astrology is the application of the Law of Probability in toto, based on astronomical facts. Our life is hindered by many an obstacle & we are busy battling the barriers to Success. These barriers are always there, some known, some unknown. But via the Wisdom of the Heavens (Astrology ) these barriers can be known, why it is there and what are the heavenly causes which generated it. Everything happens by Cause. Classical Philosophy

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